Chapter 15: Getting more Imformation...

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As Frisk looked at them, a small drop of sweat came down from her forehead, "But, what about the other monsters? What if they see us?" She asked. "No worries, if some guards or other monsters are around where we are, I'll tell them that the area will be closed for a bit for some investigation, or I can tell the guards to tell the others to go back and keep looking for the "Person" who toke You," said Undyne. The Skeletons agreed, as well as Frisk as they walked down the stairs and got more things to bring. Once they packed, they started heading towards the door, Sans gave Frisk one of his extra sweaters to her hide her self from others, she grabbed the skelebros hands and they hid her between them since she was a little smaller then before, Gaster was behind them staying quiet. Undyne was in front of them from any curiosity from the others around them, as they walked nobody wasn't around, "If your asking why nobody isn't around, we told them to stay in their homes to be safe from anything happening around their surroundings," said Undyne. They understood as they continued to walk, they made it out of Snowdin. They made it to what used to be sans station in waterfall, some monsters were around but weren't curious at all. As they continued, they noticed some guards heading towards them, Undyne signaled the brothers to hide immediately. Sans teleported the Papyrus and Frisk behind a grassy area, as the guards came closer to Undyne, they listen, "Undyne, we have searched all of waterfall, there was no sign of the person or the human to be found," said one of the guards. "Well keep searching, we can't just stop, I suggest to search all of the underground, but not in some places," she told them the places not to go to. "Alright then, we'll continue searching," they said as they signaled the others to go forward to Snowdin. As they left, Undnye signal the bros "The coast is clear". They walked out of the grass as Papyrus asked, "What did you told them not to go?" "Mainly I said they can't go the the lad since we are going there, and maybe we might go to the palace to see Asgore and Toriel," she then turned to Frisk, "Is that's alright to you Frisk?" She asked. "'s fine, I think I'm ready to show myself," Frisk replied. "Alright then we should keep going, you guys ready?" She asked, "Sure." "Absolutely!" Replied the brothers, Frisk nodded and smiled, "Alrighty, let's go then!" She said. They passed by Echo flowers and lakes, they glisten against the grass near it. After they passed by a few monsters, they never noticed Frisk, but that was okay, for now. When they made it to Hotland, Undyne had to be careful since she was a fish, she can easily get dizzy, so she stayed in the center between the skeletons. When they made it to the lab they knocked it three times, the doors opened, when they stepped in, the lights turned on, it made them a little light blind, when their eyes went clear they heard footsteps coming from the true lab door way, then what came out was Alphys with some plies of papers in her arms, "W...who's there?" She asked as she turned to them, "O...oh U...Undyne, sans, P...Papyrus, I didn't expect a...anyone to come here, But, a...actually, why are you guys" She said. They turned to each other and then looked down at Frisk, ""We...We are here for some information, and if you can help us with something," said Undyne. "O..oh really, what is it?" Alphys said, Sans and Papyrus then walked forward, picking up Frisk in their arms Removing the hoodie from Frisk's head, "Can you help us get more information about Frisk?" Asked Papyrus, Alphys was shocked to see a smaller skeleton in Papyrus arms, "B...But F...Frisk is dea-," "No she isn't, this is her, I know she looks like us but she is alive, as a monster," said San in a serious voice. Frisk clutched onto the sweater and looked at Alphys, "I...I know your surprised about this but, I am Alive," Papyrus put her down, she walked up to her to give her a better idea that it is her, Alphys looked at her and put her hands on her mouth, "F...Frisk?!" Frisk saw her eyes watering, she hugged her tightly. Undyne, Sans and Papyrus, never saw Alphys cry, but they smiled, as well Gaster who was in a dark corner. After they explained Alphys on what they need, she took some of Frisk's, "Monster" blood to examine it, after about 15 minutes, Alphys came back with papers in her hands and widen eyes. " guys won't believe it! F...Frisk is half human being, and she's half Monster just like us! I think that explains why she's a monster." She handed them the papers and as they read it, it said,
"(First name) Frisk, (last name) Unknown
Age: 10
Soul: Half Human and Monster,
HP: 20/20
"So that explains why she's like that but "How" is the question we are looking for" said Undyne. They turned to Frisk, " you know F...Frisk?" Asked Alphys, Frisk didn't know what to say, she couldn't see Gaster since he was blocked from Undyne. "Child, I think it's for the best not to tell them or else things will get worse but you can just say I helped you and that's all, alright," said Gaster in her head. She shook her head, "No, I don't know how but all I remember is that Gaster, helped me, get back here but as a monster," she replied. Alphys was surprised, "B...but Gaster is dead, he fell into the core," she said, this made both brothers upset, Aphlys saw them and knew that he was their father so she decided to change the subject. "(Ahem) A...anyways, you said you guys needed help to go to the palace?" She asked, "Yeah, is there any way?" Said Undyne, Alphys thought of it, "There might be, its just that there is all lot of guards around," she said. "I can make them search more in Snowdin and In Waterfall," said Undyne, "I think that can work, but right now, (I'm able to see what time it is and day) it's pretty late, I think you guys should rest, you must've walked all the way here, you guys can stay here for the night," Alphys said. "Thank you Dr.Alphys! Good thing we brought some stuff!" Said Papyrus, "No Problem, I'll do anything for my friends and family, now I'll get some sleeping bag for the three of you be right back.
Back in the Palace, Asgore and Toriel were in the throne room with Asriel playing with the flowers with his toys. They heard footsteps coming towards them then a knock was heard, "You may come in," said Asgore, the guards that went to the true lab came in with the bed sheet that smelled like Frisk. "Your magesty, we found a bed sheet from the True Lab in Hotlands," said a guard "And why did you bring that?" Asgore asked, "Because, the human that you sent us to look for, their scent is in these bed sheet," he handed to bed sheet to him, when he took one sniff, his widen, "It...Its Frisk Scent!"
(Goats smell as well like a dog, so dose every monster with a nose in this story)
Toriel gasp, "T...then that means her body is still here but, you said you found it in Hotlands?" She asked. "Yes, but the body wasn't found anywhere, I suppose something or someone toke the body and ran because when we went to the lab, we heard something disappearing." They said. Asgore looked back at the bed sheets and back that them, "Every well then, Tell Undyne to get more Guards and tell her to make them look the entire Underground to look for the person or thing that toke Frisk body, got it." He said in serious voice, "Of course your magesty," they said as they were signaled to leave. Asgore looked at the bed sheets carefully, "I think she may be Alive," she said, Toriels tears came running down, "I hope so..." she said as she hugged him. Asriel looked at them and then to the ground, "I hope Frisk is still alive..." he said quietly to himself as he snuggled against one of his small toys.

To be continued...
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it toke me a while to type it but it was worth it, and I'll be seeing you in the next chapter, bye~ Chibibon)

Skele-Frisk (A Undertale story after the barrier breaks)By: chibibon (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now