I'd really like to how after eighteen days of not seeing each other, I come up with the thought that I miss him. How in the world. I'm pretty sure it's just exams' fault, I have to convince myself...
Or maybe it's the thought of him in difficulty, in danger and other things like these that drives me crazy and tears me apart. I'm feeling drained, of energy, of patience, of everything. The only thing that never ends is this sort of love in my stupid crazy head. Let's say it, heart just beats, it's the head that makes the damage. I'm probably getting mad after four weeks of me, books and exams and exams, books and me. It's been the same every fucking day. And since I'm getting mad, I'm falling in love. Beyoncé was right when she said she was "Crazy in love", except that she went crazy because of love and not the opposite.
I know, it's just my head. And I know too this isn't even comparable to falling in love, but I don't know how else to call it. Now, re-read the previous sentence and tell me how much am I confused. Thank you.
I'm feeling weak, this is true, and the best way to fight this lack of streghts, in my absurd and diverted mind, is thinking that someone else is having a rough time too, or even worse than mine, and focus on what's best to help them. Very nice, I must say. It makes me a good girl, but sadly, it doesn't help me at all, and like every other time this happened, guess how many people are helping me with my sick way of dealing with problems? A couple of human beings. Furthermore, their brilliant ideas to help me consist in two types of action: one, that I'd better stop studying; two, that I'd better take some medicines in order to have more energy. Guess I'm choosing the second one, since it's my mom's idea and she's forcing me to take them, or else I'll probably end up passing out in a matter of time. God help me!
This is the tougher term I've ever dealt with, I just can't wait until it finishes. And it will happen in ten long more days.
Random thoughts and quotes
SonstigesI'm able to overthink in English too. I don't even need to make an effort