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O2 | Pure Heroin

Fredo hated the feeling of being powerless. Not being the one in control. He expected things to go exactly how he planned it. If he gave an order he expected everyone to get in line and fall into fucking place. If he wasn't a god then he was damn sure the closest thing to one. His name rang bells everywhere. He had the history of being a crazy ass mother fucker with no conscience. Well known and well respected no one had tried him. Until now..

Fredo was pulled out of his reverie by the sound of approaching footsteps. He stood up quickly as the doctor approached him.

"Good news and bad news" he started.

Fredo felt his heart beat increase but his face stayed impassive and his black tinted shades obscured his eyes.

The doctor cleared his throat before looking down at the clip board in his hands. He was slightly intimidated by the large presence of the man standing before him. He radiated importance and fear. "We managed to get the bullet out but Aaron lost a lot of blood. He's alive...but comatose."

Fredo clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding together, "For how long?"

"Ahh yes, well.. That is entirely up to Aaron. His body went into shut down so to speak. This can last for days, weeks, to months, as his body heals itself."

Fredo released an irritated sigh before collapsing back into the chair. He was trying to stay calm because he was two seconds away from losing it completely.

The doctor had nervously departed from the room leaving him and a comatose Aaron to the company of each other. The sound of the beeping machines filled in the silence.

Aaron was his younger brother. Fredo raised his younger brother and sister by himself from the age of thirteen. Messing with his family was like asking for a death sentence.

He couldn't believe that someone had the audacity to shoot his brother. Aaron was easy going and liked by everybody. The total opposite of his older brother. He had a college scholarship for baseball for school in the fall and Fredo wanted nothing more than to see his little brother go pro. He wanted his siblings to have a better life than he did.

His phone vibrating in his jeans distracted him from his thoughts. He quickly answered it, "Speak."

"Yo, I got that video from the store on the side of the alley where Aj was and I think you should see this." Eli said.

"Iight' Imma' be there in a second." He said hanging up.

Fredo dapped up Eli in a greeting as he walked into the dark room. He never understood why Eli liked to be in the dark so much. The only source of light was coming from the five different computer screens scattered on a large desk. Eli was something of a computer genius. He could find anything or anyone and hack into things like the best of the best. There was nothing he couldn't do on a computer or with electronics. The crazy part of it is he was only seventeen. He met Eli when he caught him trying to hotbox one of his cars. Ever since then he had taken the young boy under his wing.

Eli moved in the front of one of the computers moving his fingers rapidly on the keyboard before bringing up a video and playing it.

"Look at this. You see that Aj and this other guy go into the alley at one- thirty pm"

Fredo looked closely at what he was pointing at,

"They're in there for fifteen minutes "Eli said fast forwarding the video ahead."Then the guy who went with Aj comes out on his cell and starts walking in the other direction".

Fredo clenched his fist." Did you see this his face?"

"Nah I couldn't get a good picture and I used high res' . He's wearing the hoodie over his face and because he walked in the opposite direction of the camera it was hard to get a good shot of him,"

Fredo sighed rubbing his hands down his face.

"But look at this." Eli drew his attention back to the video. "Someone else was in the alley."

Fredo watched as Eli started the video again.

"Five minutes later someone else comes running out. It's a girl. She's running to the payphone by the shop. She's calling someone." Eli says facing Fredo has he watches the girl at the payphone.

"I was able to get that phone call." Eli said moving over to a laptop at the edge of the desk. Fredo didn't question how Eli was able to get a phone call from a payphone that was used by hundreds of people daily.

"Listen" he said as he played a recording.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"Someone has been shot! In an alley please help! He's dying! Ple-"

"Slow down mam. Where are you calling from?"

. "...Uh..On the corner of Crenshaw and Dane Avenue. Please hurry."

"Stay on the line with me mam help is on the way."

"I can't..I- sorry I have to go."


"I'm sorry. "

Fredo said nothing for awhile as he listened to her frantic voice. He had to find her. "You got a picture of this girl?"

Eli nodded pulling out a printed picture of her by the pay phone.

Fredo glanced down at the picture, his nails digging in the sides.

"You want me to call up Gunplay and Rello?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, you go with them to.. Bring that bitch back to me. "Fredo said looking back at her picture again before throwing down onto the desk.

She better have the answers he was looking for because he had no problem killing whoever was playing games with him.

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