Chapter 3 - The Mikaelsons

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Elena's P.O.V

I sat up stretching to see Bonnie in the bed next to mine. What why is... oh yeah we're in the past. I got out of bed and slid on a faded blue dress and woke up Bonnie so she could toes the corset up.
"Bon. Bonnie. Wake up. I need you to tie my corset." I said shaking her lightly.
"Fine." She replies exasperated. She stands up and ties my corset up. My God this thing is tight. I can't breathe properly. How did women wear this everyday.
"Hey Elena can you tie mine up too please?" She was wearing a faded pink dress today.
"Lets go get on with our chores. I believe the first one was collecting water from the stream in the woods." I said calmly before walking out of the house with a pail in my hand. As I am walking towards the woods I accidentally bump into somebody.
"Oh sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said looking up. Oh My God. I had bumped into Klaus Mikaelson.
"Oh no it's okay. I'm Niklaus but you can call me Klaus its easier to say." He said kissing my hand.
"Elena. Nice to meet you." I said blushing slightly.
"Elena come on lets go we haven't got all day." Bonnie was yelling from just outside the boundaries off the woods.
"Well it was nice to meet you Klaus. But my friendis shouting me." I said before walking away with a slight wave. God Klaus is so nice back here. And hot. Wait where did that come from I just called the man who killed me and my Aunt Jenna hot. I am not falling for Klaus Mikaelson. I can't but he isnt the same Klaus. He's nicer in this time so it's okay to like him now. Isn't it?
"Hey Elena who were you talking to?"
"Klaus." I replied simply. She made a small 'o' shape with her mouth.
"Yeah oh. But he was really sweet. Bon. I think I like Klaus. Like Klaus now and our Klaus. I think I always have but I just won't admit it to myself and I feel bad because if I do that means I'm no better than Katherine just leading Stefan and Damon on for nothing." I rush ou as fast as I can.
"Oh my god Elena. You like Klaus. What made you actually admit it?" Bonnie asked incredulously.
"Talking to him just and seeing his humanity. It made me realise how kind he actually is when he has his humanity and he is really sweet with his humanity. When he shows his humanity anyway. God Bon. What am I going to do. 900 years till the next blood moon. 900. How am I going to be around him that long and not actually tell him. Because he doesn't like me and he's courting Tatia my dopplegänger remember he and Elijah are doing what Stefan and Damon did with Katherine." I say panicky.
"Elena we'll get through this."
"We'll?" I ask. Who does Bon like out of The Originals?
"I like Kol." She whispers quietly.
"Oh My God. You like Kol. Oh wow. I guess Mikaelsons really have an effect on us huh?" I say before bursting with laughter and Bonnie joins in soon after.
On our way back to Ayanna's cottage we are pulled aside by Rebekah.
"What's up Bekah?" I asks confused.
"You pair have my brothers head over heels for you. Nik won't shut up about you 'Lena. And Kol won't shut up about you Bon. What the hell did you do to them?" Bekah stated. Bonnie and I just stood there in shock.
"Wait when did you meet Kol Bon. I know when I met Klaus but when did you meet Kol?" I ask confused we haven't spent anytime apart since we got here.
"When you met Klaus I walked into Kol and he nearly knocked me over but he caught me and we introduced ourselves." She said. Ahh that makes sense.
"Girls you're missing my point. Do you two like my brothers or are they wasting their time." I blushed furiously. "Okay so 'Lena likes Nik. Bon?" Rebekah said.
"I like Kol." Bon said in reply to Bekah's question.
"Great. So my brothers aren't wasting their time. God I can imagine having you two as sisters. I'm so happy you like them as much as they like you." She gushed hugging us tightly.
"Can't... Breathe... Bekah... Let... Go." I forced out.
"Oops sorry." She giggled and we all ended up laughing our heads off.

Klaus's P.O.V

I loved seeing my sister and her new friends getting along. I need to tell Elena how I feel and ask if she will let me court her. I pray she says yes. Bekah knows how Kol and I feel about Bonnie and Elena. I just hope she talks to them and finds out whether or not they like us back.

Bonnie's P.O.V

Shortly after Bekah leaves Elena and I carry on our journey back to Ayanna's cottage. After we place the pails of water on the floor we step outside for some fresh air. I see Klaus walking towards the building.
"Elena. Please may I speak to you?" Klaus asks politely when he reaches the cottage.
"Of course you can Klaus. Lets go over there just inside the trees for some privacy if you wish." Elena replied rather calmly surprisingly. Klaus offers her his hand and they walk just beyond the tree line hand in hand.
I turn around to see Kol was right behind me.
"Good evening Kol." I said sweetly.
"Good evening Bonnie. Please may I speak to you alone." Kol asked.
"Of course Kol. Klaus and Elena are just inside the woods so they can't hear us. Talk away." I say calmly.
"I like you Bonnie and I know we've only know each other for a day but I was wondering if you held the same feelings towards me." Kol said shyly.
"I do Kol. I like you too." I say quietly. Kol smiles brightly.
"Really?" I nod, "Would you be kind enough as to let me court you?" Kol asked nervously.
"I'd be honoured Kol." I say before wrapping my arms aroumd him in a tight hug. Then Kol kissed me briefly before letting me go.
"Good night Bonnie." Kol said lovingly.
"Night Kol." I replied before walking into the house.

With Elena and Klaus

Elena's P.O.V

"What did you want to talk about Klaus?" I asked calmly.
"Ummm. Well you see. I like you Elena and I know we only met this morning but I am certain of my feelings for you." Klaus said nervously. I smiled at him.
"I like you too Klaus." I said as I pulled him in for a hug.
"Oh thank god I was so nervous." Klaus breathed in my ear.
"Klaus that tickles." I giggled as his breath tickled my ear.
He gently pulled my face towards him before softly pressing his lips to mine.
"Elena. Will you do the honour of letting me court you?" Klaus asks against my lips.
"I would be honoured Klaus." I said before pressing my lips to his.

Author's Note
Hey guys

I wasn't sure if I used court correctly there so sorry if I'm wrong.

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