Chapter 13 - 1920s

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Elena's P.O.V

Bonnie and I are going home in three days. The blood moon is in three days. We have spent 900 years with the Mikaelsons. We have fallen in love. We have a sister. We are sisters. And now in three days we have to leave it all behind and go to the future where the Mikaelsons hate us. Stefan and Damon still want to be with me. Jeremy still likes Bonnie. I don't want to go back but we can't stop it. Over these 900 years Bonnie and I have been turned into a vampire and Bonnie is now a vampire/witch hybrid, we have fallen in love, gotten married, gained a sister. We have a family who loves us for who we are. They aren't controlling us. They give us free will. They aren't trying to change us. They love us the way we are. And we love them.
"Elena. Hey Elena baby. We're going out. You coming?" Nik said holding his hand out infront of me pulling me from my thoughts. I take his hand and give him a big smile. We have only had a few incidents with humanity after mine in the 1100s. One with Bekah and one with Elijah but Kol Nik Bon and I haven't had any problems. (Pictures are their outfits this chapter.)


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We went to our regular nightclub and sat at our usual table on the second floor back corner

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We went to our regular nightclub and sat at our usual table on the second floor back corner. In the usual positions. Me on Nik's lap. Bon on Kol's lap. Elijah next to Nik and I and Bekah on Stefan's lap. Stefan became part of our group a few weeks ago. We only see him at the nightclub but he spends all of his time with Bekah especially after the incident where Nik nearly killed him.
We walked into the bar and sat at our table waiting for Bekah's mystery man. When he arrived it was Stefan. We all introduced ourselves but before Nik, 'Lijah and I could introduce ourselves Stefan snarled at me.
"Katherine" He practically growled.
"She is not Katerina Petrova." Nik growled from behind me and I put a soothing hand on his arm. "Don't mistake my wife for that her."  He growled trying to jump at Stefan.
"Sorry. But if not Katherine who are you?" Stefan asked as I practically held Nik back.
"I am Elena Mikaelson. This is Niklaus. My husband." I say and I feel Nik smile behind me.
"Oh ok. Sorry for the mistake." He said turning to Elijah.
"I'm Elijah. Rebekah's brother." Elijah said ever the patient one.
Flashback over
"What are you thinking about love?" Nik whispered in my ear.
"When we first met Stefan and you tried to kill him." I whisper back with a giggle. Nik chuckles at this.
"Ah yes. That was a close one. If I hadn't had you in my lap I reckon I would have attacked him." He whispered his breath tickling my ear making me giggle.
"Yeah but if you had Bekah might have turned her humanity off again." I whisper back.
"You may be right love." He whispered resting his chin on my shoulder. We sat like that for most of the night apart from the time we danced. Until it was rime to go home.

Present day

Klaus's P.O.V
Suddenly, Stefan shoots up in his seat. Oh balls. He's remembering finding out that Elena is married to me if I the glare he sending my way means anything. So I get up and grab his collar dragging him outside with and understanding glance from Elijah and Bekah.
"You're married to Elena?!" Stefan whisper shouted.
"Yes. But don't tell anyone. Let Elena do it. Don't tell anyone about Bonnie and Kol either let Bonnie do it okay." Stefan just nodded. And we walked back inside.
"What was all that about mate?" Enzo asked from the far corner of the room.
"Nothing. I iust thought I remembered something from the 1920s but I didn't nevermind." I send him a secretive nod of thanks. The girls would be coming home soon and all of this will be over. They disappeared on the 1920s blood moon and the blood moon is in 3 days there if I have the dates correct. In three days time I was getting my wife back.

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