Chapter 6 - The Caves

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Present day

Rebekah's P.O.V

After a lengthy discussion of how we were getting 'Lena and Bon back Nik, Kol and I decided to head home having not come to a conclusion.
"I feel so guilty. I killed my wife. We got married Bekah. Married!" Nik shouted when we walked into the living room.
"You didn't know Nik. You're memories were wiped. Nik you couldn't have known." I say giving him a hug as he sinks into the sofa. "How many times have Kol and I almost killed them. Hell even Elijah almost killed Elena. Nik. And the girls knew what we have done but they still became our friends and Elena knew you tried to kill her when she married you and she went through with it. Nik she seriously loves you even if you tried to kill her she still loves you. You saw and heard her when she first told me in 1012. She meant it you could tell. She wasn't playing with your feelings Nik. She got over the whole killing her thing and she married you Nik. Not Stefan. Not Damon. You. Because she saw in you what we haven't seen since Henrik died. She saw your humanity. That's why she married you because she knew the Nik she met in 1012 was still in there. She married you because she saw your humanity. Hell she probably is your humanity. You were such a better person those 900 years she was around. Because she bought out the humanity that she knew you've always had." I said almost in tears.
"Thank you Bekah. I needed that." Nik said sighing trying to hold back tears.
"I'm going to go see how Kol is doing. I'll talk to you later." I said walking away. I stopped at the doorway and without turning around I said "We'll get them back Nik. I promise."
"I know we will Bekah." And with that I walked out of the room in search of Kol. I gave Kol a similar speech when I found him on the floor almost in tears.

With Elena and Bonnie

Bonnie's P.O.V

After Elena and I finished our morning chores, we headed to The Mikaelsons home. I knocked on the door and Esther opened it.
"Hello you must be Bonnie and Elena. I'm Esther. Pleasure to meet you." She said holding out her hand for us to shake and we obliged. "Please come in. Come in."
"Bon 'Lena. Is that you?" Bekah asked walking into the room upon hearing the door close.
"Yeah. Hi Bekah." I said giving her a quick hug.
"I'm so glad you came." She said rather giddily.
"Actually we were coming anyway. Ayanna is out of town and she already arranged for us to go into the caves with your family." Elena said giving Bekah a quick hug also.
"Oh yay!" Bekah squealed. "Lets go for a short walk. Mother we will be back before we head to the caves!" Bekah yelled to Esther.
"Alright dear just be careful." Esther said as she walked into the room to give Bekah a hug.
"Bye." We all said at the same time. While we were on our walk we saw Nik and Kol.
"Hi." They said walking over to us.
"Hi." I replied turning my focus on Kol. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.
"Hey you." He said huskily.
"Hey yourself." I said jokily. He kissed me deeply and I kissed him back. We heard a fake cough from behind us and realised we were getting a little heated.
"Sorry." I said sheepishly.
"So you pair are staying with us in the caves tonight?" Nik asked.
"Yeah. Ayanna's out of town so she sorted with Esther for us to stay with you tonight as she can't cast the spell or take it down so we'd either be stuck in the house or outside it or in it with no protection." Elena explained.
"Oh we better be getting back Mother will be wondering where we are." Bekah said. And I realised she was right.
"You're right lets go." Nik said unwrapping his arms from around Elena's waist and taking her hand. Kol did the same with me.
When we walked inside the house Bekah, 'Lena and I were pulled aside by Esther. Finn and Elijah pulled Kol away and Henrik pulled Klaus into another room. I heard Elena gasp from besides me. That's when it hit me. It was going to happen tonight. Henrik dies tonight. I grabbed Elena's hand and squeezed it.
"It'll be okay Elena. He'll have you afterwards. Calm down. We can't stop it. We agreed remember." I whispered almost inaudibly. Then we all went about busying ourselves. Getting ready to go into the caves tonight. Klaus and Henrik never came back and Elena was freaking out even though she knew what was happening. I felt so sorry for her. She was so worried. I tried comforting her but she just distanced herself from everyone. Neither Bekah nor I could get through to her.
"Bonnie. What's wrong with her?" Bekah asked she was really worried.
"Well Nik still isn't here. Neither is Henrik and I'm pretty sure she recieved a letter this morning from her brother. I'm not sure what it said but she seemed really upset after reading it." I said.
"Oh ok that makes sense." Bekah said and I could see she was really worried about Nik, 'Lena and Henrik.
"Don't worry Bekah. She'll be fine. So will Nik and Henrik." I said knowing I'm lying. I felt so bad for lying to her. But it's not like I can tell her the truth, she'd want to go out and help them and we can't have that.

In the morning

Elena's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of Nik shouting for help and we all rushed out of the cave to find Nik on the floor in tears holding Henrik's lifeless body. I immediately rushed over to him and pulled him into a hug while Esther pulled Henrik's body away from him. When he was gone Nik moved fully into my arms and buried his head in the crook of my neck and cried harder.
"Shhhh Nik. Calm down your shaking violently." I whispered tears streaming down my face whilst I was rubbing his shoulder.
"It's all my fault 'Lena. I never should have agreed to go with him." Klaus cried into my shoulder.
"Nik. You couldn't have known don't blame yourself. Hey. Hey. Look at me." I said lifting his head so he was eye-level with me. "Don't blame yourself Nik. You didn't know. You couldn't have known. You aren't psychic. Nik. You can't see into the future so do not blame yourself or I swear to God I will smack you senseless." I joked. Nik shot me a slight smile. "There! I saw that! You smiled!" I said and he chuckled quietly at me.
"Thank you 'Lena. Seriously. You are amazing. I love you." Nik said before kissing me deeply. When we came up for air I looked around and realised we were the only ones here. They must have gone inside to give us privacy. Oh how kind of them.

Author's Note

Hey guys the song If I Die Young is for Henrik.

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