Chapter 4 -

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Elena's P.O.V

Klaus and I walked back to Ayanna's cottage in a comfortable silence and when we reached the door he bent down and gave me a light kiss.
"Good night 'Lena."
"Good night Nik." I said using Bekah's nickname for him. I gave him a small smile before turning and walking into the house.
"Bonnie. Where are you?" I ask rather loudly.
"In our room." She replied almost instantly. I walk into the room with a huge smile on my face and when I walk in I see Bonnie also has a huge smile on her face.
"Klaus and I are in a relationship."  I squeal ecstatically. And at the same time Bonnie said, "Kol and I are in a relationship." We both laughed. I fell onto the bed still in my dress.
"Bekah's going to be so excited when we tell her tomorrow; she may even be more excited than us." I said giddily. We both laughed at the thought.
"Yeah. But I just wish we weren't lying to them all. I feel kind of guilty." Bonnie says her face dropping slightly.
"Yeah I know I do to. Like we know what's going to happen to Henrik and we can't stop it because then they won't become The Originals because if Henrik is still alive Esther won't feel the need to cast the spell. Meaning they would all stay human." I point out.
"Meaning that most things that happened in the future will never happen. Like you won't be used as a human blood bag." Bonnie pointed out.
"Yeah but then we would have never come back here and started a relationship with them." I pointed out.
"Yeah but Stefan would never have become The Ripper again if The Originals stayed human." Bonnie pointed out.
"We never would have got to know the real person behind the shields they put up." I pointed out knowing that was a weak point to make.
"Well yeah but Jenna would never have died." Bonnie pointed out.
"We would still be in a relationship with someone we don't really love. If it wasn't for Klaus and Kol we would still be dating people we aren't actually in love with making us no better than Katherine." I point out.
"Yeah but- wait I got nothing. Fine you win we can't tell them that Henrik dies and help them prevent it." Bonnie said sadly knowing we would have to watch them all suffer and we can't stop it. I pull her in for a hug.
"At least we can be there for them when it happens. I reckon I'm going to have a harder job than you considering Nik is actually there when Henrik is killed by the wolves and Kol is just in pain. God can you imagine how much pain they'll all be in. Bonnie we're going to have to be there for all of them not just Kol, Nik and Bekah. All of The Mikaelsons." I say almost in tears. We get up wiping off our tears and change into our night clothes.

Present Day

Caroline's P.O.V

"They're in the past. When you were human." I replied.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CAROLINE?" I heard Kol shout from the foyer also.
"She means Elena and Bonnie are the two girls in our memories." Rebekah said from behind me. "Don't say anything about what happened in the past. Let 'Lena and Bon decide what to tell everyone. It's their choice and they should be here when everyone finds out. So should Elijah." Rebekah said continuing bedore Klaus and Kol could let anything slip.
"Wait did you just call them 'Lena and Bon?" I ask spinning around to look a Reabekah.
"Uhhhh. Klaus Kol little bit if help please." Rebekah yells.
"She said Elena and Bonnie." Klaus said as he walked in to the room. "You must have misheard her love."
"Don't call me love." I growled at him. God I hope they come back soon I cannot handle being with The Originals on my own much longer.

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