Sabode Arcopellico-The Bar.

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"Oh ho ho, a carriage huh? Didn't think they'd go all fancy today." Ace joked when we came into town.

"Simon's with them. He probably got the carriage for them." said Sabo while walking with Ace and luffy.

We got out of the carriage to see the bar that we were told to meet them at. When we walked in we got so many scared looks. I heard people whispering my name.

It got really really quiet when we walked in too. I walked over to the bar and sat down, My coat still around my shoulders. Then, it spoke.

"Hey missy. Why don't you come and have a drink with me? huh? Instead of those idiots." said the most horrible Strawhat imposter ever.

John was furious. I put a hand in front of him to stop him and, stood up. I faced the imposter with a ice cold scowl.

"I am terribly sorry but you are a fail 'Strawhat Luffy'. I mean come on I could do a better impersonation than all of you combined." I said with a laugh.

"How dare you say that!? Take thi-" He was interupted by the Nami imposter. She stood and told him to let her take care of me. She came up to my ear and pointed her gun at the wound on my abdomen.

"Your going to listen here girl. I am the famous Cat burglar, Nami. I will blow you to bits if you keep arguing with my Captain here." She said while jabbing the barrel of the gun deeper into my wound. Ugh.. Really...I really didn't feel like starting a fight, but if you insist. If you want a fight than your getting one.

"I am sorry, but your not the real Nami that I know. I bet you can't even navigate a little sail boat in calm waters!"

I shouted at her. "I bet you would lose your way even if there were signs to help you!" I said as I flipped the gun out of her hand, kicked her in the sternum, jumped off of her, pied all of the imposters in the face , drew my new staff and landed gracefully.

"How dare you insult me and my crew!!!" said the Luffy imposter. I turned back to the crew of imposters, threw off my coat, and pointed my staff at the crew's fake captain.

"A: none of you are even close to being any one of the new Strawhat pirates. None of your bios match theirs, none of you even have the devil fruit powers that some of you should have, or you don't have any of their abilities that they have."

I was furious. My eye had turned from blue, to a crimson filled to the brim with anger. "B: Strawhat Luffy can't even handle a sword, let alone a revolver."

I straightened up and looked at the imposter's shocked face."I bet you don't even know who I am. My name is Mariline Valentine, One of the elemental Ancients."

I smirked. "The Dew Drop Artist!!" I yelled as I ran up to the Luffy imposter and slashed his gun in half.

"You'll regret messing with a pupil of the Gods!!" I slashed him in the face, and detonated the clay.

When I turned around the bar had completely turned into rubble. I turned to the trio and saw their mouths hung open in surprise.

"Really? You've never seen me do that? I have done that many times." I said with confidence in my voice.

"Yeah, but you have to work on your destinations." Simon smirked and we went back to the carriage and road to a cafe.

"Maria! that was sooo​ cool!!! Hey by the way who did you blow up back there?" Luffy asked.

"Just some imposters of your crew who were total fakes. The one imposter of you thought he could just pull off just looking like the old you."

I smirked as Luffy looked confused. "They thought they could get away scott free with out me knowing. Hehe, they were totally wrong." I laughed. Hehe. They didn't even match with anything. That's how I knew they were fake.


Hey! Author here! I hope you liked this chapter. I loved working on this chapter sooo​ much. I will be updating this every day. So hope you enjoyed it! bye!

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