Valentine Manner-The Ball

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Now the gests were coming in. The ball can now begin! I thought to my self as the guests started to come into the ball room.

I had made my way back stage as Mom, Dad, and Marco came backstage with me. As everyone started to settle down some, Mom and Dad walked on stage.

Dad raised his hand to signal everyone to quiet down so he could talk.

"Now, I would like to thank all of you for coming, and helping me celibrate this wonderful occasion of our long lost prince coming home!" My Dad said as he gestured towors Marco to come on stage.

"Wish me luck!" Marco whispered to me as he smiled slightly and gave me a thumbs up.

"You'll do fine." I said as I gave him a small push and a smirk. Marco let out a small sigh as he went on stage and everyone clapped and cheered.

"Marco, any thoughts?" My dad said to Marco as he gestured towords the mic. Marco nodded.

"Thank you all for coming, and I hope that you all have a great time tonight, But, I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for my sister, Maria."He guestured towards me.

"She was the one who organized this whole thing." Then he motioned me to come on. I sighed and walked up on stage.and Marco handed me the mic.

"Thanks, Marco. I have to admit, Marco was a sight for sore eyes." Marco chuckled at my coment.

"Anyways, enough chit chat, let's get this party started, shall we?" Mom Dad, and my older brother nodded.

"Well, hope all of you have a great time and enjoy!" I said as all four of us waved and walked off stage.

Me and Marco then joined Ace, Sabo, Simon, Karter, and John over at one of the tables, as Luffy and his crew sat at a table across from us.

"Well, that was less embaresing than I exspected." Marco said as he sat down next to John who was next to me.

"Did you exspect it not to be?" John joked as he gave Marco a pat ont the back.

"No, not really. I was exspecting it to be worse." Marco said with a laugh. We all sat and talked for a few minuites.

There was a slow song that started to play. John got up and held out this hand.

"Maria, may I have this dance?" I nodded and followed him to the dance floor.

John lead me over and he put his arm around my waist, and I put my arm on his shoulder, and we held hands.

"Now, follow my lead." He said as we started to walts.

We danced for what I thought was for an hour until we seporated. It was time for Me and my sisters to give Marco a specal suprize.

Me and my siaters changed into our normal clothes, Me in a blue and black cheackered overshirt with a black tank-top under it, and ripped up blue jeans. My sisters followed the trend but their over shirts were diffrent colors.

The curtains were closed and we all got in place. Simon walked on stage.

"Now, these four princesess have been producing many albums all over the world. And now they have a little suprize for their brother."

Marco stood. "Here they are, Ancent Love!" The curtains opened and we played our cover of Here's To Us by Hailstorm. After we played John met me backstage.

"You guys did great. Maria I have a suprize for you." John greeted me backstage.

(Hey, author here! Ok, so things between Maria and John are a little diffrent. They are accualy together and have been for a while. I just wanted to let you all know so that you all would not get confused.)

Then John nelt down and pulled out a little red box and a rose. He gave me the rose and opened the little box. Inside laied a very exspencive ring inside. Helooked up at me. I froze not knowing what to say.

"Mariline Isabell Valentine, Will you marry me?" John asked. I didn't know what to say. Then Marco came up to us and pushed on stage.

"What are you doing?!" John yelled at Marco, who had a playfull smile on his face. Simon came on as well but he had a mic in his hand.

"Sorry for the interuption but," Simon handed the mic to Marco.

"We have a proposal going on! So sis, whats your answer?" Marco said as he looked at me with a kind smile plastered on his face.

I was still in kind of a shock but, "Yeah, I'll marry you, John." was all I maniged to get out. John's face lit up.

He slipped the ring on my finger and I pulled him into a hug. I looked up at his face and he looked down at me.

He leaned down and we kissed. Everyone began to clap and cheer. When we seporated, John looked down at me.

"Thank you. Love you, Maria." He said as a small blush began to show.

"I Love you too, John.' I ssaid as we walked off stage and greeted everyone at the table.

"Oh my gosh! That was so romantic! We should have a toast, To the newly engaged cuple!" Sarah said as she held up her glass and we all toasted.

"Man John, I didn't think you would finaly pop the question like that. That's pretty impressive." said Sabo.

"Thanks. I've been wanting to for quite some time but, I had to prepare a bit." John said as Marco sat down. Then Luffy came over with a giant piece of meat in hand.

"That was awesome you guys!" He said as Nami came over as well.

"Yeah, that was quite suprizing, though. Didn't exspect that to happen." Nami said as she sat down.

It was basicly three round tables put to gether as we all were around one huge table. I looked over at John who was now laughing along with Luffy and Marco about something.

Thank you, John. I'm so happy I said yes. Hmm...I wonder how much this ring costed him. I thought to myself as I looked down at my new ring.


Hello! Author here! I really hope you all liked the little plot twist. Aslo I'm really sorry if i have been lasy about upadating, and if anyone got confused, too. Sorry!

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