Thousand Sunny-Girl's Cabin (Continued)

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Sanji looked over at me. "Seems like your mother was worried sick." He was finishing up the dishes from dinner.

I nodded. "Yeah, she always dose when things like this happens. She's been worried ever since I was six."

Sanji turned to me with a puzzled look. "Really? For that long? What happened that made her worry so much?"

I turned to look at him. "Well, I guess I should tell you."

Sanji leaned against the counter as I started. "It started back when I was six."

-Flash Back-

I woke up to a darkened room. The nightmare was still playing in my head, over and over again. I got up and left my room and stepped into the cold hallway.

I started down to the kitchen for a glass of water but I was stopped by footsteps.

"Maria..." A yawn came from my older brother behind me. "Why are you up so late?"

I turned to him. "Sorry. I had a nightmare and wanted a glass of water."

At that moment, I heard a horse gallop at full speed outside the castle doors. The doors bursted open and a man draped in black. His hood covered his face and made him look like he had a mask.

He pointed a sword at my brother and I. "Which one of you is the oldest." Marco raised a hand slowly.

"Me. I-I'm the oldest." The man then chuckled.

"Then you're coming with me." Marco refused and the man got off his horse and ran at us a full speed. I closed my eyes and helped in fear. Marco sheiled me from the blow, but wasn't hit.

"Marco! Get you and your sister out of here. Now!" I knew that voice. It was father. He blocked the attack with his sword.

Marco nodded and father pushed the man back as he staggered. Marco started to lead me back upstairs, but he was hit with a slash to the back.

It had been aimed at me, but he sheilded me from the attack. Father looked back and I tried to run but the same attack that hit Marco hit me.

That was how I got the wound on my back. It's the deepest one of the two wounds, and the most fatal.

Blackness covered my vision. When I woke again, I saw Marco had been taken, and the rest of my family was almost like me. But luckily they hadn't of been killed.

I stood as pain circled my back like vultures. I saw the man start out with Marco in his arm.

I ran down the steps ignoring the pain at my back. Anger flowed through me like a raging river.

A ball of ice formed in my hand and grew larger by the second. The pain faded as the ball of ice kept growing.

I sent it at the man hoping to do something, but I was wrong. The man sliced through the ball of ice like hot butter and slashed my chest. Darkness fell over !my vision yet again as the man rode off.

-End of Flash Back-

Sanji's eyes had widened as I finished the story. He straightened up. "So, your wounds. They haven't healed since then?"

I nodded. "It's the curse. Marco's debt. He has to save me like I did with him."

"And what happens if that doesn't happen?" Sanji asked, now a worried look was painted on his face.

"I'll die. If he dies protecting me, then it won't work. I'll still die if that happens that way." I looked down with a sad look.
"That's what I'm afraid of.."

Sanji walked up to me. "Marco won't let that happen, I'm sure if it. So don't worry about it."

I smiled at him. "Thanks. If I do die, I won't have any regrets."

Sanji relit his cigarette. "Well that's good." He went back to the counter.

I sighed. "Hey Sanji. Could you do me a favor?"

He nodded. "What's that?"

"If I do die soon, tell the others about my story if someone doesn't beat you to it. I don't want to die without them knowing why I died."

Sanji looked at me and nodded. "Of course. I'll do that for you."

I nodded again and got down of the table. "Thanks again."

"No problem." Sanji said as I walked out.

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