Ashley • Josh Dun

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Fetus josh was who I imagined writing this ^

Usually I didn't hang out with new people. I didn't like new people, especially from different grades. I'm in high school, 10th grade and I usually only hang out with 10th graders, but my counselor says I need to be more social. I thought the five friends I have are fine, guess not.

Some girl named Ashley started to talk to me at lunch. Her family had just moved here to (state you live in) and obviously doesn't know anyone. I guess since I usually sit alone at lunch she thought she could come and sit next to me? Sorry boo but that's not how it works.

Well she started talking mostly about herself and would ask me questions like my name, age, grade, the usual. She was kind of interesting to talk to, we just didn't have that much in common so I wasn't sure if this "friendship" would last.

"Hey (y/n)!" She greeted giving me a hug while I was walking to biology. "Hi Ashley." She walked with me, "isn't your class the other way? Most of the 9th grade classes are on the other side." I told her.

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to ask you a question." I stopped and asked what she wanted to tell me. "Do you want to hang out after school? I don't really have anything to do or any friends besides you so it would be really cool if we could hang out." She asked. I sighed.

"Uh, yeah. I'll think about it." I told her smiling. She smiled and gave me a hug, "gotta go to class." She told me running down the hall. "Bye (y/n)!" She yelled. I continued to walk down the hall, sometimes I wish I wasn't so pity.


I thought about it and decided to just go hang out with her, 'can't be that bad right?' I thought to myself as I walked to the front. I saw her walking with some guy. She saw me waiting and smiled saying bye to her guy friend and walking over to me.

"Hey you saw Dustin right, total babe." She started. "More like total fuck boy." I told her rolling my eyes. "Why do you say that?" She asked. "He's slept with half the freshmen and it's only been like three months since school started." I told her walking out since we were going to walk to her house that's was a few blocks away.

We got to her house and personally the walk was miserable having to hear about the school fuck boys the whole way. She unlocked the door and walked in having me come in along. "Nice place." I complimented looking at the family pictures on the walls.

"Thanks." She told me walking in front of me. "I guess you can sit here and I'll go ask my mom if she could make us something. Anything specific? Like peanut butter?" She asked. "Kind of allergic, so I don't think that would work." I told her and sat down on the couch.

"Oh, sorry. I'll be back, anything else I should know?" She asked me tossing the remote to me. 'What am I suppose to do with this? (Your favorite tv show name) isn't on, no point of watching tv.' I shook my head no to her and smiled. I turned the tv on and left it on whatever channel was on so I didn't look as awkward and uncomfortable as I actually was.

"Hey!" Someone behind me said lightly touching my shoulders. I almost jumped out my skin startled. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I told the boy with dark hair holding my heart and looking at him.

"Sorry not sorry, didn't expect you to jump like that." He laughed jumping over the back of the couch and sitting next to me. "I'm Joshua, you could call me Josh though." He told me holding his fist out. "(Y/N)." You tell him awkwardly fist bumping him.

"Cool name, ever break your arm trying to jump off the roof into the pool but miss?" He asked. I gave him a weird look. "What? No." I answered. "Oh, funny story, I tried jumping off the roof into the pool as a bet I made with my friend but ended up breaking my arm when I missed and hit the diving board instead." He told me. I broke out laughing imagining the image. "Which arm?" I asked.

"Right, it sucked. I couldn't write for a month, but it did give me an excuse to not do the homework I never do." He shrugged smiling. I've known Ashley for about a month, but I don't think I've ever laughed this hard with her.

"Know how to play the drums?" He asked. "No actually. I play guitar and piano and stuff, but not drums." I answered. "Really? You should come over and I'll show you. My dad bought me a drum set and let me keep it in the garage. Maybe this weekend?" He asked. "Yeah, I don't think I'm doing anything." Since I have no life.

Ashley came back in and sat on the couch next to me. "Oh, I see you to have met. Guess that's one less family member I'd have to introduce to you." She told me tossing two packs of pop tarts between us. "Thanks." We say in unison. "Jinx." We both say. He look up at each other and narrow our eyes at each other. "I said it first." I told him biting into my pop tart. "Sure you did." He said sarcastically rolling his eyes and turning towards the tv taking the remote off the coffee table and changing it to some movie that was on abc family.

This feels so incomplete, but I can't think of anything else to put in it.

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