Batboy and Rodney • Tyler Joseph

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Writing this I didn't choose who was who, but saw Batman(BatBoy) as Josh and Robin(Rodney) as Tyler just to get an idea.


"Can't leave me chained to this wall forever." I yelled with a little giggle at the end with the huge grin plastered on my face that felt almost drawn on.

"Why don't you let me go, we could play a little game?" I asked leaning off the wall, but still held to the chains.

"I'm not letting you off, I was given one job and it was to keep you here." He told me coming out the shadows. "Who gave you the job?" I asked lifting the heavy chains just to drop them down to make noice.

"That's for me to know and for you not to." He answered unfazed by all the noice. I rolled my eyes and scoffed looking at him just to start smiling again.

"But friend." I said to him looking at him. "Don't call me that, all you are is a person I have to watch for a few hours." He told me sitting back in the dark corner.

"Was it your friend batboy? I've seen you two together. Are you two together? Like do you take it up the a-" I kept asking just wanting to get on his nerves.

"No, no, no. Stop. That's not even his name." He told me. "Don't say that Rodney." I told him. "That's not even my name!" He yelled seeming frustrated with me already. I started laughing an evil laugh that rung in his ears.

"Then what's your name sucker?" I asked sliding down the wall and sitting down. "I don't have to tell you that." He answered. "Please Rodney, I just wanna know your name." I pouted sitting on my knees. I frowned with my bottom lip out, but couldn't hold the smile coming back into my lips. An dark grin came upon my lips.

"I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours." I offered. "I already know your name." He scoffed. "Actually you don't. You think my parents would name me Phoenix? If so, you're a fucking dumb ass." I told him offended for some reason.

"Well so you stop calling me Rodney, it's Robin." He told me. "Really? Rodney is better." I told him. "Do you know the joker?" He asked changing the subject. I groaned at the name.

"Don't get me started with that joke." I told him rolling my eyes. "His laugh is so annoying, I can't stand his toxic green hair, and his smile looks weird." I shuttered.

"You both have the same laugh and smile? What are you talking about?" He asked. "He's just ugly." I told him. "He's literally like your twin."

"Yeah except I'm a cutie, he's... ew." He sighed, "why do I even talk to you?" He asked himself out loud. "Because you like me. Talking about liking people, do you have a thing for batboy?" I asked.

"It's batman and no." He answered. "Liar, liar, pants on fire." I yelled shacking the chains laughing an obnoxious witch like laugh. "Trust me, I see the way you look at that emotionless guy." I told him sitting down and calming down.

"Sorry, but you should get your eyes checked if you think I look at him as anything more than a partner." He told me moving into the light. "Maybe I should get my eyes checked, I am half blind. You know how blind people are?" I asked. He gave me a confused look letting me continue.

"Blind people have better hearing and all I hear is you moaning his name. Your like 'Oh batboy! Go harder-" I started screaming hitting the chains on the floor.

"Ugh, just stop! I can't do this anymore!" He told me holding his head and pulling his hair like it was going to explode any moment now. He took out a phone and dialed something. It was pretty loud so I could hear everything they said. It rung a few times and he got an answer.

"I'm kind of busy right now Tyler, is it important?" The guy on the other line asked. He looked at me and saw I was smirking but turned to face something else humming to myself like I wasn't listening. "Um yeah, I can't do this anymore, hurry up and kill her or I will." He told him watching my every move.

"Stay put, I'll be on my way in a few minutes." The other line said hanging up. "Tyler boy? Do you mind loosening my chains?" I asked smirking. He glared at me and went to go sit in his chair near the corner ignoring my question. A few minutes passed of me watching him do literally nothing.

"You're so boring!" I yelled dramatically stretching 'boring'. "Yep, can you be quite though? I'm trying to play sudoku and I can't concentrate with your annoying mouth constantly yelling in the background." He sassed. "Well someone put a little to much salt on their fries." I mumbled giggling under my breath after.

"Do you wanna play a game?" I asked for the seventh time in the past twenty minutes. He groaned and got out his chair flipping it. "Can you not be quite for five minutes?" He complained throwing his hands in the air. I put an an innocent act and whispered sorry but couldn't hide the smile forming on my face.

"Fine, you wanna play a game? Let's play a fucking game!" He nagged sitting in front of me on the floor like I was. I smiled, "thanks. Wanna play the game with the rocks and the papers?" I asked leaning toward him but being stopped by the chains when our faces came inches away from each other.

"Fine, if it'll shut you up for a few minutes." He told me holding his hands out. I scooted backwards towards the wall and he came closer. I held my fist out and smiled.

"Rocks and papers and scissors." I started holding my hands out. "It's rock, paper, scissors, shoot." He said looking at me like I was stupid. "Do as you will. I choose rock." I told him holding my fist out.

"Well then I choose paper." He said. "No, you can't do that. I choose scissors." I pouted. "Fine, I'm doing rock." He shot back. We went back and forth changing our choice never actually playing the game.

"Rock." I continued. He answered back, "paper." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine Rodney, looks like you won." I told him dramatically then continuing to smirk.

"Do you have cards I wanna show you some magic tricks." I told him. He gave me a straight face and said no. "Fine, I'm still going to show you some magic tricks." I told him.

"Have you ever held cement blocks that weighed less than a feather?" I asked looking him in his eyes as he looked back. "That doesn't make sense if it's made out of cement." You told me. "That's where you're wrong." I started. "You could be holding bricks right now and you wouldn't know it because they weigh nothing." I told him leaning against the wall that was behind me.

"How is that a trick?" I asked. "That was the trick, I did it while I was talking. I did it so fast you didn't even notice." I told him giggling. He gave me a confused look and I just smiled.

"I hope you know I just wanted to spend some time with you." I told him reacting for his face, drawing my finger down his jaw and nose. "Because I could have been gone a long time ago." I told him laughing under my breath and innocently smiling at him. I stood up, the chains not making any sound. He tried to stand up but was the one now chained to the wall.

"Hey? How the hell did you do that?" He asked pulling on the chains. "A magician doesn't tell her ways." I laughed kissing him and skipping out the door.

"Come back here! Undo me right now!" He yelled but I continued to ignore his requests like he did mine.

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