She • Josh Dun

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Just to clear some stuff up if you don't know:
(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color
(Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color

(Y/N) POV:

"Ok, so there is a girl I really like and I'm not sure how to tell her." Josh started giving me a worried look. I smiled at him. "Well, as your best friend it's my job to give you advice." I started. I liked Josh as more than a friend though. He just didn't know that. I mean I have thrown a lot of hints so maybe he's finally got them and I'm the girl he likes? I'm leaving the choice open, but not to high since it's Josh we're talking about.

"I say just go to her and tell her. Once you get a reaction you should be able to tell unless its surprised. It could be a bad surprised like 'really? I would have never guessed, please date me' or the 'I'm surprised you actually told me. Sorry I'm not into you but thanks for telling me'. I mean it will probably be the first but just in case you should know there's more than one surprise so don't always think it's bad if she's surprised." I started explaining not really knowing what I was talking about since I've never been asked out, or had an actual relationship with anyone other than Netflix.

"Ok. Well how should I say it? Should I just be blunt about it or explain why?" He asked. "Depends on the girl, who is she?" I asked realizing he never actually told me. He started blushing and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, I mean you know her if that's what you're asking." He said. "Ok, good to know. Can you say her name?" I questioned leaning in closer to him. "You'll find out later." He said. I leaned back on to my spot on the couch and frowned at him but said fine.

"Well what is she like?" I asked. "Like you." He told me. The though, 'is he talking about me?' Crossed my mind a few times but I kept pushing it out. "Hair color?" I asked.

"(Y/H/C)" he told me. "Well, eye colors?" I asked. "(Y/E/C)." He answered. I'd say it's hard to say, but I stated thinking about who else has those features. He noticed I was struggling to figure it out and rolled his eyes.

"I have five out of the eight classes with her." He answered. "I have five classes with you." I pointed out. He nodded. "Yeah, I know." He smiled. "I sit next to her in three out of those five classes." He continues. "I sit next to you in three of our five classes." I started again. He nodded and stood up.

"I have to get going." He told me. I nodded and stood up to walk him out. "She's failing math." He smirked giving another hint. "I'm failing math!" I yelled to him. "Figure it out." He told me getting in his carand left. "Looks like I'll find out soon." I told myself sighing and walking back inside.

The next day I'm in school walking to my locker. Josh is waiting there like every morning and I smile at him. He notices and waits for me to get over there. "Hey." I said giving him a hug that he returned.

"Did you ask her yet?" I asked hoping he'd say no. It would give me a better hint if it was me or not. "I was waiting for her to get here." He told me smiling down at me. "Is she here yet?" I asked unlocking my locker.

"She just got here." He told me. I closed my locker and looked at him. "I just got here." I told him. "Yeah, so did she." He told me turning me around and walking across the hall to Jasmine. "She? Bitch I thought I was she!" I yelled to myself shocked that it was her.

I watched him talk to her not being able to say anything. She gave the surprised face I told him about but smiled a toothy grin after giving him a hug and saying something. Anger grew in me as I punched my locker regretting it right after. I looked at my fist and saw that besides the throbbing it was fine but the bruises where already forming. I groaned and held my fist as it hurt when I tried to move my fingers.

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