Chapter 25

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December 4, 2014.
I woke up this morning with aching ankles, every time I moved my foot I felt pain. I passed through it all, I didn't care so I walk toward my door. I heard a weird creaking noise in the closet, so I walk toward the closet hoping whatever is in there doesn't jump at me. I grab my brother's bat on my floor. I didn't care why it was in my room but right now it was a good thing and I walked slowly. The floor made a little creaking noise of every step, I opened it ready to swing to find my brother in there. I asked confused, "What are you doing in here?" Until I realized he was eating mom's cookies she made last night, I laughed and said, "Oh, you should give me one or mom will find out." He handed one over and I ate it with him. He said, "Mom is waiting for you, she said you have 10 minutes." I got up, and got ready.  I didn't have much to do, brushed my teeth, hair's done, cologne​, deodorant, jeans, shirt, and shoes. All done in time. As soon as I got outside, I headed to the car. I noticed something, I saw someone like an old ex I believe. Nah, probably seeing things. So I get into the car, I think about it the whole time as we headed toward the high school. Could that guy be my ex? No, he lived in a different country well, as far I know. I got toward school took off my seat belt and said, "Love you mom, bye." She said the same and I walked in. I knew I was right, there he was Alec, he lived in Australia. I walked pass hoping he wouldn't recognize me, then as I am around the corner I hear, "Carlos, hey gonna live you best bud?" Then he turned around and saw me, I couldn't help but look toward another direction and noticed Claire coming. I said, "Hey didn't see you coming, come on let's get to class - well homeroom." She laughed and said, "Why the hurry, oh wait I know why." She laughed and adds, "Oh come on let's go before you get lonely by missing him." As we we're around the corner I said to her, "Thanks. That was really awkward."
"What do you mean?"
"My ex was back there." She was confused and asked who. I say to her, "You remember Alec, right? The guy I used to date." She stopped and said to me, "The hot looking one!?!?" She said a little louder and people started looking. I say, "Shhhh. Yes him." She looked at me and asked, "Why don't you talk to him, be friends?"
"Ha friends. He broke my heart, plus think he hates me. Why would he want to be my friend all of a sudden?"
"Fine let's just get to homeroom before the late bell." I headed into homeroom. I sat down, and lay my head onto my desk, thinking about how badly he's been to me. I mean, who dates someone then later on say you never dated them. Then I get a tap on my shoulder, as I turn around, it was Justin. He pokes my forehead and says, "What cha thinking​?" I laugh and say, "Nothing really but right now, I'm think how adorable you look in your scarf." He smiles and sits back and says, "Good, did you hear there is a new student today?" I look at him, hoping he's not talking about Alec. "What's this students name," I asked. He looks at me then the door and says, "Well that's him." I turn around to see Alec, girl's go his direction and say hey and ask questions. He hasn't looked my direction which is a good thing. Claire is in front of me, and says, "Did you do math?" I completely forgot, and my pencil was in my locker I answer, "Um no I need to get a pencil, I'll be back." As I walk past hoping he'll say nothing, but a girl named Angel, says, "Oops oh hey good morning Carlos." Next thing I hear is a guy saying, "Carlos is that you?" I mumble cheap luck and sigh. I say, "Oh um hey Alec. Been a while surprising to see you here." The girls look at him then me and he steps forward and says, "Yeah too long."
"Yeah um I gotta go so I'll um see you later or something." I hope not, to be honest I wouldn't want to see him at all, then Claire pushes me out the door and says, "Come on we have to do something don't forget."
"Thanks for getting me out of that."
"To be honest your boyfriend didn't look too happy on how close he was to you so he asked me to keep you on track."

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