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You were power walking through the halls of your imperial base. Supreme Leader had just requested your presence for an urgent matter. You slam the doors open and run down the aisle leading to the hologram of your powerful leader. 

"Supreme Leader." You bow your head.

"Do you know why I called you here, Y/N?" He speaks softly. You lift your head.

"No, Sir." You stare into his eyes.

"Let me remind you." He waves his hand in front of your face, causing a flashback to play in your eyes.

"Ron Lein step forward." Master announced. Ron stepped forward and bowed his head.

"Your lightsaber." Master held out a lightsaber hilt. Ron grabbed it and went to the left side of the field. 

"Y/F/N Y/L/N  Step forward." You stepped forward and bowed your head. 

"Your lightsaber" He repeated. You took it and went to the right side of the field.

"Now, You shall not kill each other. You must pin your opponent down or disarm them." Luke spoke clearly. 

Kill Him. Something screamed in your head. Your hand flew to your head.

You must KILL HIM! It screamed again causing you to kneel down.

"Y/N are you alright?" Luke asked, rushing to you. You stood up and nodded.

"I'm fine." You smiled.

"Alright.... BEGIN!" Luke screamed as he ran to the other padawans. You and Ron charged at each other clashing your lightsabers together constantly. You finally saw an open spot and kicked him in the stomach. Ron fell to the ground, his lightsaber flying out of his hand. You walked over to him, placed your boot on his chest and your green lightsaber to his throat.

"Very good, Y/N" You looked up at Luke and smiled. Behind him was a boy that you had grew a massive crush on, Ben Solo. He smirked at you and you began to blush. You looked down at Ron.

"Good Job." He coughed.

Kill Him Now. You felt a strong presence flush over you. Your lightsaber pushed down and slit Ron's throat.

"Ron!" Ben screamed. 

"No, Ben!" Luke tried to stop him. You stepped back and dropped your lightsaber.

"Luke...." You whispered as you stared at your hands. Ben ran over to Ron's body and fell next to it.

"I'm.. It told me to." You mumbled.

"What told you to!?" Ben screamed as he stood up. He flicked his hand out and called the lightsaber. He ignited it and charged at you.

"Ben, that's enough." Luke froze Ben just before he could hit you.

"ENOUGH!" You screamed with tears in your eyes.

"You were so easy to pull to the dark. Ben, not so much." He chuckled.

"You must go back." He ordered. 

"No, never. Ben.. I hurt him." You mumbled to yourself.

"There is something special there that will help further your training. You'll know what it is once you're there. Now go!" He screamed as his hologram disappeared. You let out a deep sigh and turned on your heel. You marched out of the room and headed straight to the control room.

"General, pull up the map." You ordered as you walked over to the holoprojector. He nodded and typed in something causing the map of the galaxy to appear right in front of your face.

"Thank you." You touched the planet named Endor. You then clicked the box that would search for any life forms. Fortunately, you found a small group of life form.

"That's them." You pointed to the hologram.

"Very well. Ill get the coordinates." General Hux nodded and typed in some more codes.

"Your ship is set to land a good distance away from them. You won't be spotted, unless you're sensed." General informed you and walked out of the room. You sighed and entered the hangar. You threw your black hood up and tucked your double sided lightsaber in your belt. You began to march to your ship, and entered it. You sat in the pilots seat and accepted the coordinates that General Hux had sent you. You flipped the auto-pilot switch and pulled up the landing gear. Before you knew it you were in Endors orbit. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see where you landed or what was about to happen. As the ship landed you jerked forward and opened your eyes. All around you was trees upon trees. You sighed, exited your ship and closed your eyes. You lifted your hand making a 'L' with your index finger and thumb. You waved your hand around trying to sense anyone. Anything you sensed you walked towards. You suddenly felt a strong presence and opened your eyes. Right in front of you was Luke training a group of padawans. You quickly hid behind a tree and tried to listen.

"Once you have your oppo-." Luke stopped talking mid-sentence.
"Do any of you feel anything?" He asked.

"I'm hungry."
"I'm tired." Two kids called out.

"No, use your senses." Luke said irritated.

"There's evil nearby. I can feel the hatred and the fear." A strong but kind voice announced.

"Very good, Ben." I froze at the name.

"Ben.." I whispered.

"All my padawans go into the cave. Except for you, Ben." Luke commanded. I could hear the shuffling of the leafs and sticks as the clan of children stumbled into the cave.

"Ben, you sensed it. You get to kill it." Luke offered.

"But, Master. What if it's much too strong for me to fight?" Ben pleaded.

"I'll sense you and save you." Luke assured him.

"Very well." Ben sighed. You could hear his footsteps getting louder as he neared you. Once you sensed him right next to you, you jumped to the other side of the tree. You watched as he climbed the mountain, walking past you.

"Sense it, Ben. Don't just follow a path." Luke shouted after him. Ben stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes. Luke waddled into the cave with the other padawan, allowing you to move to a different tree.

"What the hell could be beneficial to my training?" You whispered to yourself, frustrated.

"Who are you?" You heard the same voice from behind you.

Goddammit. My thoughts are f-ing me over once again. You mentally cursed yourself.

"I'm.. Here to-" You mumbled staring at the ground.

"I don't care what you're doing. WHO are you?" He asked. You slowly turned around and pulled your hood down.

"Y/N" His mouth dropped.

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