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"Y/N" His mouth dropped.

"Hi.... Ben." You blushed, letting your head drop.
"Still hate me?" You whispered to the ground

"You killed my best friend!" He screamed. You threw your head up and threw a hand over his mouth.

"Let's not bring any attention to us." You sighed as you took your hand off his mouth. You began to sense a lot of darkness and anger around you. You turned around to look for the source. A sound of a lightsaber igniting echoed from behind you. You quickly turned around.

"Ben. Don't..." You backed up.

"He took control over my body. I didn't do it. He did." You continued explaining. No answer. You furrowed your brow and entered his thoughts.

Kill Her! Projected through his mind, causing you to be blown back a little.

"Ben! Don't listen to him." You took a step forward.

"Kill her." He echoed.

"Snoke, get the fuck out of him." You growled. Ben smirked and charged at you with a familiar green lightsaber. You sighed and dodged his swing.

"Stop it!" You screamed, drawing attention.

"Y/N?" You heard a weaker voice. You turned your head to see Luke.

"Duck!" He shouted. You ducked under the lightsaber and kicked Ben's leg out. He fell to the ground with a thump.

"I can't hurt him, Luke.... Help me." You let a tear slide down your cheek, as you stood back up. Luke gave you a disappointed look and ignited his lightsaber. You looked back at Ben and saw him roll over and get back up.

"Please." You tried to refrain from using your lightsaber. In front of you was your old crush and your old master.

"I.. I can't do it, Snoke." You mumbled.

"You got me. I can't do it." You shook your head.

Then DIE! He screamed at your thoughts. This caused anger to flood through your body.

"Never." You smirked. You pulled out your double sided lightsaber and motioned for them to come at you. You ducked, flipped, and blocked all their attacks, making them tired and weak. You shoved your hand in Luke's direction, causing him to fly back to the cave. You then turned to Ben.

"Ben.. I love you. Join me in the dark side." You offered.

"All the power you can have, you'll be in control of everything." You smiled at him. He looked at Luke then back at you. You stuck out your hand waiting for him to take it. He stared at your hand.

"No." He said plainly, swinging his lightsaber at your arm. You quickly pulled your lightsaber over your hand, trying to protect it. His lightsaber collided with yours, pushing it down and burning your hand. You let out a high pitch scream and fell to the ground. You grasped your hand and watched it swell and bleed. You looked up at Ben with tears in your eyes.

"How...Could you? You're a monster." You choked out. Ben was taken aback by those words. It felt as if he had been hit by one thousand knives. He threw his lightsaber on the ground and ran towards your ship. Before you knew it your ship flew over you, exiting the planet. You sighed and walked down the mountain back to Luke.

"Are you okay?" You placed a soft hand on one of Luke's head wounds.

"I'm fine." He smacked your hand away. You let out a breathy scream.

"Are you okay?! I'm so sorry." He took your hand in his.

"Come, I'll heal you up." He smiled at you.

-3 years later-

"I, Y/N, accept this lightsaber in order to protect the galaxy from evil." You swore.

"Now please recite the Jedi code." Luke commanded.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is The Force." All the padawans applauded you as Luke handed you a lightsaber.

"Please hand over your sith lightsaber." Luke held out a hand.

There is no emotion. There is no passion. There is no death. There is no chaos. The words echoed in your head.

Jedi can't marry. Jedi don't attack unless attacked. Jedi are useless pacifists. A sort of anger mixed with fear flooded you. You took out your double bladed lightsaber. In your left hand you held a lightsaber that would make you an official Jedi. In your right hand was the lightsaber that helped you kill many, yet save many. You tightened your grip on your double bladed lightsaber and threw the other lightsaber on the ground. You did a back flip, landing in front of the padawans. You grinned as you wildly swung your lightsaber around, killing all of the remaining padawans. You turned towards Luke and let out a breathy laugh. There was a shocked expression spread across his face.

"You're next." You chuckled as you ran through the forests of Endor. You made it to the two X-wings that Luke used for training. You got in one, turned on auto-pilot and set the coordinates for Starkiller Base. As you approached the base alarms began to go off. You quickly flipped a bunch of switches and took control. You flew around all the missiles and entered the base. As you jumped out you heard a bunch of blasters lift. You gulped and turned around. There was at least twenty stormtroopers with their weapons aimed at you.

"Guys, it's me. Y/N" You tried to assure them as you lifted your hands.

"Don't lie to us. Y/N was killed. Master Kylo Ren told us." One of them exclaimed.

"Master Kylo Ren? Snoke wouldn't replace me would he?" You asked.

"You're not fooling anyone." Another one screamed.

"Oh well." You shrugged and pulled out your double bladed lightsaber.

"Y/N" They gasped.

"Too bad you didn't believe me." You chuckled as you swung your lightsaber around slicing all of them in the torso. They all fell to the ground as you tucked your lightsaber back into your belt.

There is a breach in the hangar. All troops report to. You heard over the loud speaker. You sighed and ran to the control room.

"General. It's me. There's no breach." He quickly turned around and backed up.

"Kylo said you were killed." He mumbled.

"Who is this dumbass!?" You screamed.

"Kylo!" General screamed. The door slammed open.

"Gen-" He stopped.

"Who. Are. You." You heard a metallic voice echo through the room. You slowly turned around and lifted your head to see a tall and intimidating man hiding behind a mask.

"I...I'm..." You gulped.

"She claims to be Y/N" General finished your sentence.

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