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You woke up in a familiar interrogation chair. Kylo was squatting in front of you. You slowly lifted your head and looked down at him. He shot up.

"You're awake." He uttered. Your eyes followed him.
"You're still silent, I see." He mumbled.

"I've been trying to get into your head all day. Let me see something. Anything." He begged.

"You already know I hurt everything I love." You retorted.

"That's not enough." He whined.

"You're so greedy." You laid your head back and began to think. You felt so weak and didn't care about your life anymore.

"Take something." You spoke to the ceiling.

"What?" He asked. You moved your head to look at him.

"Take something." You repeated yourself. He lifted his hand to your face and tried to read your memories. He pulled away with a gasp.

"I can't." He groaned.

"Take that mask off." You requested. He sighed. He knew it was the mask that was ruining his visions. He didn't want to reveal his disgusting face. He had always thought that he was the ugliest thing anyone could lay eyes on, and to hear that from Y/N would kill him. He slowly lifted his hands to his mask to took it off. Your eyes widened. Your heart began to beat rapidly. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore your reaction. He raised a hand to your head and entered your head. You were too distracted by his looks to block out the personal memories. Before you knew it a memory played in your eyes.

I got out my journal from my desk and began to write.

'In a few weeks I will become a Jedi. Luke's training has been great, but I don't feel like I belong to the Jedi. I'm a Sith and I will hide it until I can't anymore. There's this weird feeling that I've been pushing to the back of my mind that I just want to get out. Whenever this feeling occurs I get flashbacks of Ben. I then begin to wonder where he is and if he's okay. I miss him so much. He's the only one that was ever there for me. I just wish we had gotten closer. I feel like I can finally control myself. Ben has awful anger issues so I wouldn't be surprised if I found him ruling an empire somewhere.' You chuckled at the paragraph you wrote. You closed your journal and placed it in your desk. You got up, walked out of the cave and walked over to the Danger Trio. There was a reason they were called this and you knew all too well why they were. As you approached them they began to crack their fists. You took off your Jedi robes and stood there as they began to beat the life out of you.
The memory cut off there. You slowly opened your eyes to see tears forming in Kylo's eyes.

"A..Are you?" You leaned forward slightly. He quickly put his mask back on.

"I will have a stormtrooper in here to unlock you and take you where I want you." He spoke and walked out of the room. You sighed as he left you alone once again.  His presence was instantly replaced by a stormtrooper unlocking your cuffs. You stood up and stretched out.

"Are you ready?" The stormtrooper asked. You nodded and walked over to him.

"Give me your arm." He requested. You quickly lifted your arms and snapped his neck. You patted your waist and felt nothing. You sighed and picked up the stormtrooper blaster. You crouched down and stealthy made it to the hangar.

"I'm so not sorry." You mumbled to yourself as you hijacked another TIE fighter. As you were flying you found the tracker and disabled it.

-Kylo's POV-
I left the room and headed back to my room. I opened the door with the touch of my hand. I walked in and headed straight for my bed. I laid back on my bed and thought about everything.

"Sir, she has escaped." I sighed at the effort I have to put in just to get her to go to a room. I wasn't worried about it as much because of the tracker.

"Coming." I growled. I got up and opened my door. Stormtroopers were filing down the hallways. I walked down the hall to the control room.

"Where is she?" I asked calmly. Hux seemed to not have heard me, because he was frantically typing.

"I said... Where is she, now?" I repeated myself.

"She.. She turned off the tracker." He stuttered as he continued typing.

"Where was the tracker last turned on?" I walked next to him.

"She was heading to Jakku, but she probably changed course by now." He spit. I grabbed him and stopped him.

"Prep my ship. I am going to Jakku.... Alone. Send squadrons to the surrounding planets." I calmly ordered him. He nodded and turned back to the computer. I exited the control and boarded my ship. I sat down in the pilots chair and waited for the coordinates.

Don't do this to me Y/N. I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I can't loose her. My ship started up and began to fly. I looked up and accepted the coordinates that Hux sent me.

You better be at Jakku. I threatened. My ship exited the base and flew directly to Jakku. I landed on the outside of some junky town. I got off my ship and marched into the scrapyard. I looked around, but I couldn't find her. I walked back to my ship and took off my robe and thick padding, leaving me in a t-shirt, pants with suspenders and boots. I placed my mask softly on the pilots chair. I sighed and jogged out of my ship and back into the small town. I ran all through out the garbage shops and watering holes. I closed my eyes and tried to sense something. All I could feel was a bunch of people who were tired. The only peace I could find was a small pocket of emptiness. My eyes shot open.

"Emptiness." I began to run towards the nothing. As I followed the feeling, it led me to a small hut. I pulled the cloth open and crouched down. I saw a girl. Lying on the ground. Exhausted, sweating. She wasn't built for this weather. I crawled inside and took off her robe.

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