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You backed up against the door.

"No..No." You choked. You took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I'm in his room. My stuff has to be somewhere." You whispered. You lifted your hand making an 'L' shape with your index finger and thumb, trying to sense your personal belongings. Eventually, you felt a pull come from a closet. You walked over and opened the closet, finding all your stuff in a box. You grabbed your lightsaber and left your Jedi robes. You began to hear a loud bang approach the door.

"Find her. She is stronger than she looks." The masked man growled. You quickly jumped in the closet and closed the door as he opened his door. You peaked out of the crevices in the door to see him slowly taking off his mask and placing it on a podium. He had shoulder length black hair. This intrigued you, so you leaned against the door to get a closer look. As you put pressure on the door it flew open, allowing you to fall out. You quickly got up in a stance with your lightsaber. The man turned around and had his mask re-equipped.

"Supreme Leader is right. You are way too easy," He laughed.

"That's not fair." You whined.
"I have no idea who you are."

"Stop whining." He pulled out his lightsaber. A knock came from the door.

"Supreme Leader requests you." General spoke.

"Very well." He spoke to the door as he put his lightsaber back in his belt.

"I suspect you'll be nosy enough to stay and snoop around my room while I'm away." He mocked as he exited the room.

-Kylo's POV-
I walked into the room and bowed my head.

"We must keep the girl. I can sense her. She holds great power." He lifted his arm and clenched his fist.

"But, Supreme Leader... Why? I am strong." I questioned.

"If we keep the girl we can study her. We can learn how powerful she really is. Once you find this out you will be able to-"


I laid back on Kylo's bed. 

"Pfft. Snoop around his room. I'm not that weird." You chuckled to yourself.

"I could be escaping what am I doing?" You questioned as you sat up. The door flew open and the man walked in.

"I am Kylo Ren. I am your new master." He informed you as he tossed you a black robe.

"I don't get it?" You stared at the robe.

"You're an idiot. Follow me." He insulted you. You sighed, threw the robe on and follow him out of the room. As he came to a stop you realized you were in a type of training room.

"What are we doing?" You asked.

"I need to know how powerful you are." He grumbled.

"I...I'm not very good at fighting nor using the force. I only just discovered it." You lied.

"I know you had training with Luke Skywalker." He shot down your lie.

"No, I.. I didn't pay attention at all. I was the lowest ranked in my class." You tried to lie better.

"Very well. I'll go easy and gradually get harder until you cannot fight any more." He gave in. He walked into the middle of the room and ignited his lightsaber.

"Well?" He asked, waiting for you to attack him. You gulped, ignited your saber and got in a stance.

"Are... Are you sure you won't hurt me?" You stuttered, trying to seem innocent. You knew that you could defeat him any day. You just didn't want him to know how much power you actually have. You've been fooled by Skywalker, you won't be fooled by the First Order.

"That depends." He began to charge at you. You blocked all his attacks occasionally letting him just barely touch you. He ended up pinning you against a wall, pushing one of his smaller blades into your shoulder.

"Ah!" You let out a cry. You took the pain as much as you could to hide your powers. You pushed your lightsaber towards him, knocking him back. You then charged at him and swung at his legs, cutting his robe and slightly hitting his ankle. He fell to the ground at the pain.

"Are you that weak?" You asked. He growled and jumped back up.  He began to fiercely swing at you, each hit getting harder and more powerful than the last. Eventually, he hit you hard enough to knock your lightsaber out of your hand and kick you down.

"I know you're powerful. You're holding back. Show me or die." He growled as he lifted his lightsaber above his head. You gulped at the threat. He swung his lightsaber down and you moved your upper body to dodge the hit.

"I can't. I'm not at powerful as you think." You acted.

"You're a liar. I went through Luke's training. How do you think I'm this powerful. Luke's training and studying Darth Vader's technique." 

"Now, fight me... or  DIE!" He swung at you so the lightsaber would definitely hit you. You closed your eyes and let your instincts take over.

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