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"Y/N? There was a girl when I was younger  who practically got me killed with your name." His fists started tightening.

"No.. No, i'm Darth Y/L/N" You tried to hide your identity.

"Put her in interrogation room 3" He commanded as he waved a hand over your face, causing blackness to take over your sight. Your head jolted up, immediately falling back down due to the restraints. You looked down at your body and you were in an interrogation chair. You sighed at the mess that you've made.

C'mon Y/N. You helped build this place for fuck sake. You examined the room trying to look for something that will help you escape. As you examined the room you found a small metal remain on the floor. You opened your hand, calling the small metal rod into your hand. As it kissed your hand the door flew open, causing you to drop it. You mentally scolded yourself as your eyes were locked on the floor.

"Scared?" The altered voice echoed through the room. You refused to say a word. 

"Very well." He spoke. His boots slammed on the floor as he approached you. Suddenly, you felt a stinging sensation in your head, causing you to look at him with pain in your eyes. You were inches away from his face, while his hand was resting next to your temple.

"Everything is so...." He stopped.

"Blurry." He spoke with mild confusion. He pulled his hand away and walked back in front of you.

"Who. Are. You?" He asked aggressively.

"I'm.. Darth Y/L/N" You stuttered.

"General searched the system for you." Your eyes grew wide.

"There is no Darth Y/L/N on record. There is a Y/F/N Y/L/N, on record. She was the previous ruler before me, but Snoke told me that she was killed." He explained.

"I... She was not killed. She's..." You couldn't bring yourself to talk anymore. He flung his hand up aggressively with anger flowing through him.

"Why.. Why can't I see anything!" He was getting frustrated.

"Stop." You spoke softly. He pushed his hand forward.

"You're.... You're so broken. It's like you're not you. You're... gone?" He questioned as he pulled his hand back. You began to felt soft tears flow down your cheek.

"Why do you have me locked up." You choked out.

"Because if you are Y/N then I need to execute you." He threatened. 

"And what if I'm not Y/N?" You questioned further.

"Then I'll throw you on the next ship out of here." He took a step forward.

"You know. You'd be more intimidating if you weren't hiding behind a mask." You spit.

"Wow, a little girl who cries her problems away can insult." He mocked.

-Kylo's POV-
"Wow, a little girl who cries her problems away can insult." I mocked. I silently laughed at my own joke.

"Just be glad I haven't found out your real identity. I could kill your parents, or your master, or better yet. I'll kill you." I threatened her.

"You're... You're a monster." She hissed.

  "How...Could you? You're a monster." She hissed. I was taken aback by those words. It felt as if I was hit by one thousand knives. I threw my lightsaber on the ground and ran into the woods, eventually running into a ship. I got in it, typed in random coordinates and turned auto-pilot on. The woman I had cared so much about, is now disgusted by me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I clenched the grips. 

"No more." I growled.
"I don't need anyone else." I mumbled.

"You are Y/N?" I spoke confident.


  "Just be glad I haven't found out your real identity. I could kill your parents, or your master, or better yet. I'll kill you." He threatened you. You slightly gasped at the threat.

"You're... You're a monster." You stuttered with anger. He took a step back and stood in silence.

"I.. I.." You stuttered, scared you just risked your own life.

"You are Y/N..." He spoke with confidence.

"I...I don't want to die. Not by you." You lowered your head.

"You're the same weak and pathetic Y/N I remember from three years ago." He chuckled. You lifted your head slowly, anger flooding through every vein. You furrowed your brow and narrowed your eyes.

"I wouldn't say 'weak and pathetic'" You grinned as you opened your hand and called the small metal piece to you. You grasped it and unlocked your cuffs by a small twist. You jumped out of the chair and tackled the man.

"Get off of me, brat." He hissed as he threw you against the wall. You rolled over and saw the man storming towards you with a crossguard lightsaber activated. You frantically began to pat your waist.

"What? You don't think I would be foolish enough to not strip you?" He chuckled. You smirked.

"Yes." You reached in your boot and pulled out a blaster. He swung at your hand with a fist knocking the blaster out of your hand.

"Goodbye." He growled as he lifted his lightsaber over his head and swung down fiercely. As an instinct you lifted your hand in front of your face and closed your eyes. Instead of feeling any pain you heard a loud bang. You opened your eyes to see the man unconscious against the wall. You quickly got up and ran out of the room.

Ahh if I was a psycho maniac stripping my victims where would I put their stuff? You thought to yourself. You kept making a bunch of turns until you ended up at a door that called to you. You examined the blank door, trying to find a way to open it.

"She went this way!" You heard a squad of stormtroopers running towards you. You placed a soft hand on the door for it to open just in time. You quickly ran in and let it close behind you. You put your ear against the door and listened to the stormtroopers passing you. Once it was silent you turned around and examined the room you were in.

"Oh no." You mumbled to yourself. Fear took over your body and you began to shake. 

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