Chapter 3~

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Sorry for the short chapters but I'll put out as many as I can as soon as possible. ~Sammy

Samuels P.O.V
I looked up at his hair. Oh my gosh. OH. MY. GOSH. RED. HAIR. HE HAS RED HAIR. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! Evidently I was staring because then George said,
"Oh, my hair is a bit....humiliating"
"Nononono! Its not! Its amazing!"
"You really think so?"
"I do, I really do"
I looked into his eyes and he looked back. He took of the crown and sat it on his dresser, still looking at me.

Georges P.O.V
I realised that I was wearing my shirt half on half off. I quickly fixed it, still looking at Samuel. His eyes. Oh his eyes. You could just stare at them for hours and still be in love with them. In love with him. No, remember what your father told you, it is wrong. It whenever I looked at him I felt sparks. I always tried to hide the sparks. I was straight. Defiantly straight.  I had to break contact to put my crown back. I can't believe Samuel saw me in it. I put it back and sat on my bed. He awkwardly sat on his bed and did what I assumed was homework. The time came and I said my goodbyes.

Samuels P.O.V
Is it bad that I miss him? Platonically of course! I sat my homework on the opposite side of my bed and played 'With a little help from my friends', hoping the other voice would sing along.

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