Chapter 15~

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/FYI there are some gay slurs in this chapter/

Samuel's P.O.V
I woke up at the sound of yelling. It was closer than I'd prefer it. It was Georgie and another man's. I was still in George's arms. When I looked up at him, he continued, not noticing me. He was yelling really loud..... I moved my hand up and put it on his mouth. He looked down at me, surprised.
"Please stop yelling...."
"Okay Sammy", he replied in a calm,voice.
"Is this your boyfriend?", the voice asked.
" /No/ "
"Oh suuuuuuuurrreee"
"You need to leave. /Please/ "
"Don't tell your father what to do"
Uh oh, his father...
"This is not your home. I can tell you what to do. I order you to leave. Now."
"Oh, your ordering me? You are really demanding."
"Get. Out. "
"You're just like your mother"
George's breath hitched and his dad smiled.

George's P.O.V
I cannot believe he said that.
How dare he bring up her!
"I'll be off, have fun you filthy queers", he said, leaving. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Not because of what he said but because of...her......because of mom... Sam must have noticed because then he sprang up and hugged me.
"Shhhh.....shh....It's okay..please don't cry"
I hugged him back, gently puting my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and couldn't help but cry.
"P-Please don't cry....please stop crying...its breaking my heart..." , he said in a quiet voice. I decided to skip class to stay with Samuel. I am so thankful he is here with me. Even though I just had an emotional breakdown, I asked,
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
Samuel's eyes widened and he turned red.

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