Chapter 4~

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Georges P.O.V
Culinary Fundamentals. The class itself was great but the people....not so much. They heard about my 'incident' a few years ago. I've changed. I'm nicer! I've told them but hey didn't believe me. I heard the bell and left quickly. That was my only class today accept Algebra at 8. On my way to my dorm I got slushed. WHAT THE HELL! THIS ISN'T GLEE! I was slushed by a man in magenta. Very mature. I walked into my dorm to find Sammy sleeping. D'awwwwww. He's ador- straight, remember you're straight. I stared at him a moment before walking to my dresser to fetch some clothes. I walked into a bathroom and took a shower singing be and Sammy's song.

Samuels P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of a gorgeous voice singing. It was George. Am I still dreaming? Evedently not. George was singing in the shower.  I checked the time, 1:15. I needed to get ready for my next two classes. I got my bag ready, listened to George, and left. I got lunch on the way. I was standing behind a man in magenta and a shorter man in a grey sweater. They were talking about George too! I listened in. He is from Britain, wow. I've always wanted to visit Britain. I found my seat once at my class and listened to my two hour lecture on politics. When it was over I heard the men talking about George again. This time it was different. The were threats, death threats. Its one think to talk about others and another to wish death upon them. Someone has to stand up for George! That someone's me!

Georges P.O.V

Once finished with my shower I put on sweatpants for the meantime. I did the stereotypical thing and ate Ramon for lunch, messing with my phone. I was making tea when I heard the door open. I smiled at the door but it quickly turned to a frown. I was horrified by what I saw.  It was Seabury. His clothes torn, his face full of bruises and cuts. I noticed another think....he was crying. I sat my cup down and ran to him.
"SAMMY! Are you okay?!?! Who did this!? Do I need a doctor?!"
He didn't reply, he just kept crying. It broke my heart. It broke my heart to see him like this. He stepped forward and hugged me, I gently hugged back.

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