Chapter 8~

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Samuels P.O.V
I stood up and looked at the door. I hesitated before opening it. He was still sitting in front of it. He sprang up when he saw it open. His cheeks were stained with tears and his eyes were puffy. Had he been crying? I walked over to him and gave him a hug, he looked like he needed it. He was warm and his loose clothing made me comfortable very quickly. He hugged back and we stayed like that, in silence, for a few minutes. I decided to speak up.
"Two men were talking about you. They were wishing death upon you"
He nodded, signaling he was listening
"I stood up for you. The one in purple said, 'Lets take this outside' and we did. I thought we were just going to talk....I was wrong.....", I said, hugging him tighter. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but nothing came out. He looked into my eyes and closed it. He pulled me closer, pushing my face into his chest.
"I'm so so sorry, you didn't have to"
"I know, but I felt like I  needed to.."
"Thank you and don't get hurt again"

Georges P.O.V
"Ill try", he replied.
"Do more than just try. Ill be here to protect you from them. Stay safe."
"Is that an order?", he asked looking up at me.
He nodded and put his face back into my chest.
"Then I shall follow your commands, my king"
I look at the drawer where my crown was then smile down at Samuel. This is good year.

Thank you my Chief of Grammar for helping me edit this story :3

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