Chapter 9 ~

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Samuels P.O.V
As the year went on, George and I's friendship grew. It was now December and snow covered the ground. I was returning from class when it started snowing again. I forgot my coat in my dorm. Good gob Samuel. I started to walk outside, it was FREEZING. I continued to walk until I was pushed into the snow by a shorter man. Him and his friends laughed as they walked away. I soon got up, stumbling a little. I wiped the snow off my clothes and continued my way. By the time I got to the dorm, I was shaking. I struggled to get the key out of my pocket. I unlocked the door and stepped in. George's head perked up from the book he was reading. His smile turned into a frown. He sat his book down and rushed over to me. He almost tripped before standing directly in front of me . I looked up at him.

Georges P.O.V
I looked down at Samuel. His face was pale, lips blue, and he was shivering. I pulled him close, hoping to warm him up. He was still shaking. I walked over to my bed pulling him with me. I grabbed every blanket I could find and wrapped him in them. I sat on my bed and pulled him onto my lap. I held him close.
"Th-Thank y-you", is all he managed to say. I shushed him and rocked him a little. He slowly began to turn his normal color. I smiled at him. He fell asleep in my arms.  It must have been a long day. I watched him until he woke up.
"Hi", I said.
He looked around then at himself. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. He jumped slightly. If I wasn't holding him he would have fallen. He looked up at me then hid his face in the blanket. He was even cuter when he was all flustered.

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