Chapter 21~

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Samuel's P.O.V
I open my eyes to find a worry-face George.
"Samuel, please stop crying... Are you okay? What happened?", George said quickly. I realize I had been crying. I looked at him and hugged him, pulling George closer. He hug back.
"I'm okay..sorry for scaring you...", I lied. I wasn't okay. I dream the same thing ever since the incident. I couldn't bear to tell George.
I could tell he was still worried. I coughed a few times before sitting up and continuing. I couldn't stop coughing. I ran to the bathroom only to throw up. I was not good. Not one bit. George got up and ran after me. He rub my back and I eventually stopped. George sat beside me, wiping off my mouth. I curled up against him and he didn't seem to mind.

George's P.O.V
I was worried. Very worried. Sam just had a coughing fit then threw up, do you blame me? I wipe my hand on a nearby towel as Sam leaned against me. I kissed the top of his head and he gave a slight, tired smile. He closed eyes but I could tell he wasn't asleep. "Do you need anybody~?", I sang softly.
"I want somebody to love~!", he sang back.
"Could it be anybody~?"
"I want somebody to love~"
Samuel curled up in my arms more. I rocked him to sleep. Despite being sick, he looked adorable.

((Okay, so, Author's note.
This book will be ending soon so I can:
A) Make it have a good ending
B) Make it have a sad ending and maybe, MAYBE, make a second book.
Comment what you think I should do.                ~Sam

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