Chapter 13~

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Samuel's P.O.V
I looked around. It was 7:49. My first class started 19 minutes ago!!!! I quickly put on my shoes, a jacket, and grabbed my bag. I ran to my class and sat at my desk.
"You're late, Mr. Seabury", Mr. Washington said.
"I know.......I slept in a little late....sorry.."
"See me after class."
There were a few 'ooooohs'.
"Y-Yes sir"
I got looks from some of the students. I tried to hide in my jacket. My Jacket? I looked down and realized something. George's jacket. Oh no. George. I didn't talk to him this morning! Did he say anything to me? 'Hello Sammy!' I didn't reply because I was too concerned about class. I bit the inside of my lip, worried about George. Class seemed to go on for hours. Then again, it's an hour and thirty minutes. Class FINALLY ended. I got my bag and walked over to Washington. He let me off with a warning? He is nicer than I thought. Time to go back to the dorm....

George's P.O.V
For some reason I could stop crying. My heart hurt too. I had no clue why! I feel like Sammy hates me... I saw him walk into the room. He sat his bag down and began to lay down when he saw me. His eyes widened and he raced over to me. He held me close.
"Georgie, what's wrong??"
"D-Don't you h-hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?"
"Everyone hates me..."
"I don't hate you! You're amazing and gorgeous and wonderful!"
"....Did you just call me gorgeous?"
While hugging me I could feel his face turn red. The tears stopped and I smiled at him. He was still red, but smiled back. We stayed like that for a few minutes. I didn't want to let go. I looked outside. It was snowing. I noticed him watching me. He blushed and looked away. I am going to make him mine.

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