Separate Paths Not Yet Coliding

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***I do not own Black Veil Brides or any of the other members(even though that would be awesome if I did and you'd all be jealous). None of this is based on fact and is just based off imagination. I'm not in any way promoting self harm or suicide or eating disorders and I'm not trying to make it seem like that is the way to go.***

A\N: I will have music in the sidebar, so if you want music that I think goes along with the chapter, you can click it. There will be a mix of lyric videos, some audio videos, and some might be live vidoes if I can't find one of the other ones. I am going to try and make the music all BVB songs, but a few might be others. Please comment, vote, amd share this with your friends!!

~Ashley's POV~

Look at him, his perfect blue eyes, his raven colored hair, his pale skin. He was amazing and I wanted him to be mine. Because yes, I am gay. I am gay and it's a secret that no one knows. I am fairly popular but I don't like having people surrounding me at all times. They all see me as the king of high school because I'm perfect. I'm on the football team, I get fair grades, and I date the hottest chicks in school. But little do they know, that isn't who I really am.

I would love to be able to show who I am inside. I want to wear clothes that are black and tight and made of leather, not clothes that are preppy and cool. I want to wear combat boots and converse, not tennis shoes and sandals. I hate who I've let them make me into. All I want is to not to be afraid of what they think. I want to be like Andy, even though he doesn't talk.

~Andy's POV~

Why do people hate me? Yes, I'm gay, yes I wear black, no I don't like pop music, no I don't care who you slept with last night. Why can't they see that I just don't care? I am being myself, so why are they judging me? I have enough problems as it is without them being assholes to me and telling me that what I wear and what I like is wrong.

I am a mute, meaning I don't talk. I can, I just choose not to because people wouldn't listen and they wouldn't care anyway. I self harm, my parents are dead, I live with my abusive older brother and uncle, I have anxiety, I have bipolar disorder, and I've attempted suicide so many times that I have lost count. So, I'm a mess.

People don't really ever talk to me and I only have one friend who is also mute. His name is Christian, but I call him CC. We just write on paper back and forth when we sit together at lunch. He isn't gay, but I don't like him in that way. He is my best friend, kind of like a brother, and he is really the only one who supports me being gay.

~Ashley's POV~

It's lunch time. I go over and sit at my usual table with the usual people. They are all in conversations so I just sit and eat.

"Hey babe!" It was my girlfriend Acadia.

"Hey sweety." I smile as she takes a seat next to me. I can't keep doing this. I am not in love with her. She can't keep wasting her time on me. I need to tell her.

"Is something wrong?" She sees the worry in my eyes.

"I need to talk to you about something." This isn't going to end well. "Follow me."

Acadia follows me out the doors and around to the back of the school.

"Are you going to break up with me? Because if you are, just say it and let me leave." Acadia starts to tear up.

I hug her and say,"Acadia, I am breaking up with you, but it's because you deserve someone who loves you more than I can. Listen, this isn't really easy to say, and I haven't ever told this to anyone, but..."

"But what? What is it, Ash?" She wipes away the tear that had escaped my eye.

"Im gay." I start to cry now and sink against the wall and to the ground.

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