More Tears and Running Away

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~Andy's POV~

I take it that Acadia is hiding something, but I don't necessarily care. Since I'm outside anyway, I pull out one of my cigarettes and light it. I kind of like the quiet of being out here alone. No one bothers to come out in the cold, but I enjoy it.

A few minutes later, I walk back inside and go sit at my table. CC isn't there and when I look over to where Ashley and Acadia were sitting, Acadia is alone. And come to think of it, I am kind of worried. Where did they go? Are they together? Did CC tell him that I am gay?

Acadia walks over to me and voices the same worries I have at the moment. "Ashley wasn't here when I came back in, and your friend isn't here either. Do you know where they are?"

I shake my head 'no' and then get up, motioning that I'm going to look in the guys bathroom.

~Ashley's POV~

"How did you know that? Who told you? No one besides Acadia knows that, so how did you find out? Did she tell you? How do you know that?" CC knew I was gay. How did CC find out that I was gay?

He writes for a minute and hands me the paper. "I kind of always knew. Ever since we were little, you always were a little different, and at that time, I didn't know, but it just recently hit me, so I observed you at lunch and in class, and came to the conclusion that in fact, I was right. Don't worry, I promise not to tell anyone. Not even Andy." I sigh at that and calm down. I wipe the tears from my eyes and then CC writes again.

"Do you remember what happened a few years ago between us? Like, everything that happened?" When I read it, I have no clue, so I shake my head 'no' and he continues to write. "Well, we had been best friends, we would always talk, stay the night at eachothers houses', and stay up all night texting. Then over that one summer, you stopped texting me as much, and soon not at all. You stopped inviting me over, and refused my invitations to have you over at my house. I never knew what happened, and so when school started, I went to find you the first day. You weren't there. You didn't show up for two weeks, and when you did, you were so different. You didn't talk to me, so I automatically thought it was my fault. That maybe I did or said something to make you change. So, that is when I stopped talking. I thought that since you didn't care anymore, no one else would either. I wore black, I listened to heavy metal and rock music, I wore makeup. Then the next year, I had remained that way, and you went back to normal. But that was when I really thought that you forgot all about me. You never even said goodbye, nothing was resolved and it was all left like that. Everything unfinished, all of the unsaid things stayed unsaid." When I looked at him, I saw tears streaming from his eyes. he handed me the paper and I, too, was in tears by the end of it.

"CC, I am so sorry. I did think about you that summer. My parents had been fighting a lot, my mom wanted to divorce my dad, and my older brother didn't help. He normally just told me to suck it up. I wanted to go to your house that summer, just to get away from it all, but i only refused because my brother made me. I didn't text you because my dad had gotten mad at me when he found out that the only person I really talked to was a guy. He took my phone and threw it against the wall. When I wasn't there the first two weeks of school that year, my mom and dad were fighting for who got me and my brother and so we were dragged to the court with them. When I didn't talk to you, I thought it was for the best because my dad and brother both think that being gay is a terrible thing and that people 'choose' to be gay. So, I thought it would be best if I avoided you. When I noticed that you stopped talking, and dressing differently, I never thought it was because of me. I thought it was just a phase you were going through, but I guess not. I'm really sorry, CC. I never meant to hurt you." I give CC a hug and just at that moment, Andy walks in looking for us.

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