Songs, Stories, and Tears

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*I do not own any songs/lyrics mentioned in this fan fiction. Everything is Black Veil Brides lyrics and none are mine. I only wish I could write songs like them.*

~Andy's POV~

Brinley takes the paper and is shocked. "Wait... Really? Your brother would be okay with that?"

I had forgotten that part of the plan...

"Visiting times are over in 5 minutes. 5 minutes until visiting is closed." A woman announces over an intercom.

"We better be going then." I write on a piece of paper and Brinley nods as CC and I get up to leave.

"Bye Andy. Nice to meet you, CC." Brinley waves goodbye as the worker escorts him into a back hallway where the cells are.

CC and I get back into my car and I drop him off at his house then I continue to drive back home where I wil spend my night being bored and doing nothing. Well, not absolutely nothing, but nothing as in it's none of your business.

~Ashley's POV~

I take a breath and let the lyrics flow from my heart.

"Quiet as I watch you falling

You become the prey again

I can see your skin is crawling

Lipstick cases and sins

Wake up Wake up Wake up

You're drowning

Same old song and dance

Wake up Wake up Wake up

My Darling

Never stood a chance

Lost in love you are

Out of touch so far

An illusion

It's all just smoke and mirrors

Always chasing scars

Never gets you far

An illusion

It's all just smoke and mirrors"

I didn't sing the whole thing because it is really long, and I really only wanted to sing part of it.

"So... What do you think?" I ask Acadia shyly.

"Ash.... You are amazing! I can't believe you wrote that all by yourself and then had the guts so sing part of it to me. You are really tallented and just.... wow!" Acadia is in shock and I can tell she liked it.

"Hahaa, thanks. That means a lot to me. I've never sang infront of anyone before. I am really glad you liked it." I smile at her and then we pack up the blanket and I drive her home.

I get home to find my dad and brother fighting in the kitchen. I just retreat up the steps before they try to drag me into it in some way.They always fight and I just wish I could leave. I'm tired of always having them screaming their heads off at eachother.

I run up the steps and into my bedroom. Once the door is shut and locked, I bring out my acoustic guitar and play a little. I'm trying to add some chords to the song I wrote and it's going well in my opinion. I at least have alone time to practice and actually progress with it.

~Andy's POV~

I take off my clothes and get in the shower. The water stings from what I'd been doing prior to showering. In the shower, I go over song lyrics in my head, even though I don't sing them, I still write them. I had been working on a song for the past few weeks, but it isn't going anywhere. So there is yet another thing I've failed at: song writing.

I step out of the shower and all I want to do is curl up in a ball with headphones in, have music playing, and not have my mind over run y bad thoughts.

I dress myself in my pajamas and then grab my phone, headphones, and then I lie in bed listening to music. My blankets keep me warm and it feels so good to just lay here, not caring about anything or anyone. Only two people cross my mind; their names are Ashley and Brinley.

That night, I fall asleep with my headphones on. My alarm never got turned on last night, so my brother came in and told me to get my ass out of bed and get ready. I get dressed and not even bother with breakfast. I walk to school with music playing through headphones.

CC comes up to me when I enter the school. It was Friday, thank god, but it was still school. CC wants to ditch, but I wrote my opinion on how fucking mad my brother would be when he finds out. It isn't worth it, so school suffering won over skipping.

At lunch, I notice that someone is staring at me. I got that strange feeling of being watched, so I turn around to find who was staring me down. Who it was made me melt. The person who had been longingly gazing at me was none other than Ashley Purdy.

Then something unimaginable happens. He gets up from his table, and he walks over to me. What the hell is happening? Why is Ashley coming over to my table?

"Hi, uh... This is kinda awkward to ask, but... my friend Acadia kinda likes you. She is shy and didn't want to come over herself. Would you mind talking to her?" I couldn't tell who he was talking to, me or CC.

I write something down and show him. "Do you mean me or my friend, CC?" He takes the paper and reads it.

"I'm talking to you. She is sitting over there." He smiles and looks over to a girl sitting alone, even though his lunch was over there with her. Wait... weren't Ashley and Acadia dating?

I get up and walk over to her. She smiles and then asks me a question,"Will you come outside with me?" I nod and follow her out to the back of the school.

"Ok, I know that Ashley probably told you that I liked you and was too shy to talk to you, right?" I nod my yes and she continues. "Well, that isn't the case, sorry if you thought I liked you, but I don't. Wait, that sounded mean. I mean that I don't like you in THAT way, but you seem nice."

I cut her off by showing her a paper that I had written on. "Don't worry, I am not offended. I... I don't even like girls." Why the hell did I just say that?

She seems surprised, but happy at that. "So, wait... You're gay?"

I nod and I am almost offened that she is so happy about that.

"Why are you so happy that I said I'm gay?" I write on the paper and when she reads it, her face turns bright red and she smiles.

"I shouldn't say... I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone now." She goes back into the building and I am now alone.

~Ashley's POV~

I can't believe I just walked up to Andy and talked to him. I was so nervous and I didn't know what to do. At least I was lying about Acadia liking him.

"So, does Acadia actually like Andy, or was that a lie so you could talk to me orsomething?" CC slides me a paper and I read it. Does he know that I'm gay or something?

"No, Acadia doesn't really like him, she just wanted to talk to him. She didn't tell me about what, though. Actually, I think she likes you, but I could be wrong." What did I say that for? No one knows we aren't together.

He grabs the paper and writes more. "So, you and Acadia broke up? I kinda thought it was suspicious when you two disappeared the other day then came back with you half crying."

"I was not crying! And yes, we broke up, but it was mutual. Then she told me something and it was really sad so maybe a few tears escaped my eyes." I really need to be careful. He could be onto me...

"Ashley, I know more about you than you think I do. We have been in the same classes since we were 7 and we used to be best friends. I have learned a few things throughout that time." He writes and my heart sinks at what it says.

"What do you know then? You say you know more about me than I think you do, so prove it." He could be bluffing, but it is hard to tell since I can't tell the tone of voice he means to speak with.

"I know that you got star tattoos on your back last summer. I know that you are a player. You are a giant liar and you don't fool me." He shows me the paper and smiles. How did he know this?

He grabs the paper back and writes something else. "Ashley, I know that you are gay."

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