I'm Not Okay

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~Ashley's POV~

"Mr. Purdy? You can come in and see him. He is still knocked out, but he should be just fine." I follow the man through the while halls and clean air that also smells of sickness.

"Did you find out what happened?" I need my angel to be okay. I'm not okay because I can't stand not knowing what happened.

"We were able to figure out that he must have gagged himself and threw up a lot. We were told he used to be anorexic and if he was eating a normal amount of food for a while, then suddenly throws it all up or gets rid of it in a short time, it can cause the body to react in unpredictable ways. With Andrew, his body must have shut itself down because there was no fuel to live off of. Shutting down was really his only options for survival. So it's good he fainted and passed out because if he would have resisted it and attempted to go about his day, he could have been endangering his life." Holy shit. Andy could have died. He could have died and I wouldn't have been able to do anything to help him.

"Will he be okay, though? When will he wake up?" I want my Andy back. It's only been a few hours, but it feels like weeks have passed since this morning/afternoon.

"He will be perfectly fine. Now, when we go in, you'll see a tube inserted down his throat. That is so we can put nutrients in his body to help it restore itself." We had been standing outside of his room for about 5 minutes while the male nurse had explained things to me. "One more thing, there will be a noticable lump in his genital region because even though he is in his current state, his bodily funtions still work as normal, so we have to keep a catheter on him so he isn't laying in his own... body fluids."

I am holding in my laughter from all of the sexual things he just mentioned.

"I see you snicker. Yes, it sounds funny. I just didin't think you'd appreciate me using other terms." We both smirk a little before he opens the door and leads me into Andy's room.

I walk to the side of his bed and pull a chair up. He looks so peaceful. Andy is just laying there, all of these tubes going into him.

"I am going to go check his x-rays. We wanted to check on his arm and ribs. His ribs should be fine, maybe another week of the brace. And his arm will be about 2 weeks with the cast still. We predict he'll wake up soon. If he does happen to wake up, press the red button to call a nurse in. He will probably be uncomfortable with the tube down his throat. Tell him not to mess with it." Then the guy finally leaves and I'm alone with my Andy.

"Oh Andy. Baby, just know that you are my world. When you wake, you'll probably think I'm mad at you or you'll think I don't want to be with you. Let me tell you something. I could never be mad at you. It was an accident and I understand. I will always want to be with you. You are my life, Andy. These past few hours have felt like weeks without you. You make my life complete and I'm so glad you are going to be okay. I can't wait to see your beautiful, bright blue eyes." I reach out and grab his hand. I just want him to wake up already.

~Andy's POV~

Am I in water? I look down to see a pipe continuously pouring water into a glass tank I somehow ended up in.

"Don't bother getting out. The tank will soon fill up and you will be dead. Poor Ashley. At least he can watch." I see a spotlight shined on a figure. The figure is strapped to a bed and is pointed to me. Ashley.

I look up and see how large this tank is.

"You can't get up there." I don't see who is talking.

While thinking, I look at my feet and see a ball and chain on each ankle. Fuck.

"Do you hear that? He misses you. But you can't wake up. You won't wake up." I hear footsteps.

"S-St-STOP!" I scream. I scream. I made noise. I spoke. This was only a nightmare, but I still made noise. I then see the speaking figure. It's Jared.

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