This Might Be More Than a Crush

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~Ashley's POV~

I glance over at Andy. We were sitting on my bedroom floor doing our homework. He was biting his lip and twirling his pencil. He was so amazing.

"Andy..." I wanted to talk to him. He lifted his head and our eyes met.

"What is it Ashley?" He texted me and I grabbed my phone to reply.

Ash- Do you want to get out of here?

Andy- Where do you want to go?

Ash- Anywhere. I just want to get ouf this place. I don't like it here.

Andy- Wait, you mean you want to leave this house? For good?

Ash- I know, it sounds crazy. I just don't like it here.

Andy- What is not to like? I know your dad and brother don't get along, but why do want to leave? You have this amazing house, just look at your bedroom! You have so much to like. I had nothing. My room was a god damn closet.

Ash- I just can't stand to stay here. So much has happened in this house and I can't take it. The memories are too much.

Andy- What happened here that makes you say that?

Ash- My mom, she designed this room for me. She painted the walls, bought everything. She made me so happy and so did this room. She would just sit and talk with me in here about life, about everything. We found out she was cheating on my dad, and after she left, we got a call a few years later saying that she was kidnapped and killed. It was never the same. I started cutting because I couldn't stand it with her being gone. People at school found out what had happened to her, and they made fun of me for it. I had dressed this way then. I changed my image and soon, everyone just forgot. Then I became this version of a popular kid who was into sports and I felt normal. Then you moved here and changed everything. The first time I saw you, I was reminded of myself. You dressed the way I had and didn't care. I started to feel something and then knew, I was just fooling myself by being with girls. At first, I just kinda slept around with girls, trying to feel something, but I couldn't forget you. When I met Acadia, I had thought I felt something, but I didn't. I told her and she understood. I would come home, feeling so sorry for myself, but what was there to be sorry about, right? Well, I always thought I had it bad, I had nothing, though in reality, I had it all. How could I have everything and still be sad? I started trying to work up the strength to talk to you, then found out you don't even talk. I always wondered why. Why would someone want to hide their voice from the world? Then I thought, maybe there is something more to him. Maybe there are secrets that he is keeping from everyone. Why else would he not talk? Just scared he would reveal things. Then I did talk to you, kind of. I wanted to talk to you after school that day to tell you how I felt, but then CC told me what had happened. I went to the hospital and learned things about you, more than I ever thought possible. You had it so bad your entire life. Then we started talking, and I finally felt happy. I got to be friends with you and hang out with you. When we kissed, I felt real. Everything felt better. I didn't feel alone. I didn't feel that I had to hide anything anymore. I just hate having to be reminded of everything from my past by being here.

Andy- Wow. I never knew.

Ash- It's fine. No one else knows. And, I also had stopped feeling the need to hurt myself when I met you. The first time we talked, just us, I was so happy. I felt like I could be myself with you. Now that you are here with me, everyday, I feel so much better.

Andy- I'm glad I helped. So you really want to get out of here? Well, we aren't really allowed to leave for good yet, but we could go to dinner...

Ash- Are you asking me out to dinner?

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