Changing and Fighting

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~Andy's POV~

I wake up and remember where I was. I was with Ashley at his house. I was sleeping on an air mattress next to his bed. I was woken up by his alarm. I get up and see him still asleep.

I get out of my bed and crawl onto his. I grab a pillow and then whack him in the head with it.

"What the hell? Andy!!! Really?!" I point to the clock and he gets up. We both get dressed, and I see him dressing in his usual jeans and a shirt. I grab my phone.

Andy- I know that you don't like wearing that.

Ashley- I have to.

Andy- No you don't. I know you would rather wear black skinny jeans and a band shirt with converse. I can see that you are only dressing like that to please others.

Ashley- You are right. But I was bullied for dressing how I want to, and I can't go back to that.

Andy- Look at me! Ashley Purdy, if you want to dress a certain way, then you fucking can! Don't let them turn you into something you aren't. If your "friends" make you change, then they aren't your friends. You have me and CC and Acadia. You don't need those other bastards that make you be someone you aren't.

Ashley- Thanks Andy. You are right. I will be right back.

Ashley goes into his closet and chages into black skinny jeans, a band shirt, and a leather jacket. He grabs his combat boots and we grab out backpacks and leave.

"We will stop somewhere for breakfast like I normally do." I nod and hop into his car. I get a text from CC.

CC- Hey. How was your night? You never said bye last night.

Andy- Sorry. I fell asleep. And it was good. I got Ashley to finally be himself.

CC- What do you mean?

Andy- The way he dresses was just to please others. I helped him realize that he doesn't need to do that. So he is wearing something he likes.

CC- Ah, nice. And that was really cool of him to invite you to stay with him. Be safe ;)

Andy- Fuck off CC!!!! I'm going. bye.

CC- Bye dude.

~Ashley's POV~

I lead Andy out to my car and I drive off to the cafe a few blocks from the school. I go there every morning instead of eating at home. I pull up and Andy and I go in.

"Goodmorning Ashley! Nice outfit. It suits you. Same as always?" The girl who works there knows me pretty well. I have come here pretty much every morning for the past few years, and I always get the same thing.

"Hello Callie. Thank you, I decided it was time to dress how I want to. And yes, I will have the same as always, but you will need to add something to my usual order. My friend here will be joining me from now on." I text Andy to ask what he wants after I talk to Callie for a minute.

Ashley- What do you want for breakfast?

Andy- I don't know. I normally don't eat breakfast.

Ashley- Come on, dude. Just something small even. Like a coffee or hot chocolate, something.

Andy- How about a bagel and hot chocolate?

Ashley- Sure thing :)

"My friend Andy will have a plain bagel and a hot chocolate with no whipped cream." I didn't think to ask him about the whipped cream or if wanted something to put on the bagel, so I text him.

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