Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"You have really got to stop being so nervous around people." I say with a smirk as Tiffany accompanies me back to the dressing rooms. "They're clearly in love with you."

"If only I could," she sighs, and my heart drops slightly at her response.

She's normally the perkiest one in the room, but even her bright ocean-blue eyes which were normally so full of life had diminished to a dull grey.

"But Ashley's nagging has just really gotten to me. Did you see the way she was staring at me while we were onstage? I felt like an animal at the zoo."

"Maybe it's because you looked like one." Jade intervenes. Her black hair and black eyeliner making her already piercing eyes more visible.

"What are you talking about?"

Jade flashes an eery smile. "Don't you get it? The only reason that Marcus picked you is because you did him a favor." She walks closer to Tiffany who was suddenly extremely quiet. Her fearful gaze peered at Jade who was clearly enjoying this. I on the other hand, was completely in the dark.

"Ja, you don't need to do this.." Lily mumbles from the background, but makes no move to stop the chaos.

"No, no. I think that Rylee would love to know how her best friend suddenly got Ashley's spot in the opening act. Not just anybody can do that within the first month of their arrival you know."

My brain scrambles to piece together the puzzle. Jade has a point, Marcus didn't just let newcomers get big jobs like that so soon. lips let out a small gasp as the reality of the situation finally dawns on me.

"You didn't." I finally choke out, as Jade's creepy smile grows bigger once she sees that I understand what she meant.

"Rylee, I-"

"Do you realize how sick that is Tiffany? Who knew that you were such a whore." Jade quickly interrupts, giving her a pure look of disgust. "I mean damn, sleeping with the boss? That's a whole new low."

"At least I'm just doing what I have to do to make a few bucks and get out of here." She crosses her arms over her chest. "You three think that you're so perfect, yet you're just wasting your life in a strip club. I'd love to hear the stories you tell your kids. Those oughta be a riot."

Before my brain can process what I was doing properly, my hand reaches up and smacks her straight across the face. I'm not completely sure that I had actually done it until I notice the red mark on Tiffany's stunned face.

I open my mouth to explain my actions, but even I was in shock. Tiffany flashes am emotion for only a few moments that I'm not able to catch fast enough before she grabs her coat from the hook and walks out the door.

Jade whistles at me, but I ignore it. I wasn't in the mood to be praised for something that I hadn't even done with full consent.

"Tiffany wait." I say frantically, mimicking her actions as I run out of the building.

The sky is alluring with a dark overcast cloud covering any chance of sunlight. So it basically captured my emotions perfectly. I whip my head around trying to find any sight of Tiffany's bleach-blonde hair but it was hopeless. That is until I find her driving out of the lot in her small blue convertible.

I almost consider going after her, but I know that it's pointless to do so. I sit on the curb, too exhausted to walk back home, but not in the mood to go back inside and face Jade's snarky comments.

"Need a ride?"

I turn my head, finding Ashley's blue eyes meeting mine.

"Um, yeah. That would be great."

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