Chapter 24

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A.N.: Sorry about the update! Wattpad was being stupid, and wouldn't sinc the chapter. -_- but anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 24

Zayn's POV.

"Ah, Zayn Malik. Please, come in." The dean greets me, standing as I enter the vast office. His shiny name tag that sits atop the maple wood desk glares at me as it reflects the afternoon sunlight streaming in through the sheer curtains.

"What's this about? I was in the middle of class."

He frowns, displeased by my rude demeanor, but I was in no mood to correct my behavior.

"Have a seat." He gestures to the empty chair sitting before his desk, and I sit; crossing my arms promptly over my chest.

I knew that he was going to call me in to his building sometime today. I just hadn't expected it to be so early in the day.

"Look, if this is about the missed classes I can explain-"

"No need," he assures me, placing his large hand in front of my face for silence. "I completely understand your sudden absence."

"Y-you do?" I ask him bewildered.

"Why yes. Keith has told me everything that has been going on with your family, and frankly, I am surprised that you are even here today."

I hope that he cannot see my current look of confusion. What the hell did Keith tell him?

"I believe that I can overlook your missed classes as long as this sort of thing won't become a habit. You won't make this a habit, will you?" His beady eyes peer at me from over his boxed glasses, and I shake my head.

"Very well." He stands, allowing me to do the same. "You may be excused. Wouldn't want anything further to happen to her." His look of dread worries me, and the minute he pats me on the back, I bolt out of his office.

The man was beginning to give me a fucking migraine, and I didn't even have a damn clue as to why that was.

The cool air hits my face as I push open the front doors, and find myself standing on the stone steps leading into the deans building. I take out my phone, punching in Keith's number before holding it up to my ear.

I curse under my breath as the robotic monotone voice speaks, explaining that he was unavailable.

"Hey, it's me." I spit. "Call me back."

Just as I am about to chuck the damn thing across the campus, my phone vibrates again with a text.

If all that Keith could give me was a shitty text message...I think before I realize who it actually is.

Rylee: meet me at the coffee shop at 2.

Swarms of people emerge from their classes just as I finish reading the message; alerting me that it is 1:30.

Pulling the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder, I make my way towards my truck and do my best to ignore the odd looks from the students.


Rylee's POV.

I spot Zayn's green truck pulling into the parking lot, and my feet shift their weight from one foot to another as he makes his way over to me.

"Hey," he says gruffly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Zayn, we need to talk." I say slowly.

He nods. "Okay."

One of his large hands finds their way to the small of my back as he directs me to a table in the back and sits down.

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