Chapter 1

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I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do! It's fun getting to do something like this. Caution: it does contain sexual/alcoholic/drug references, so if you're not into stories like that, I'm warning you now. Also, please understand that this is my first book so the first few chapters might not be as carefully written as you would like. Give it time, it gets better(: By the way, some people were asking for a picture of Rylee so here it is! I imagine her as Hayden Panettiere, but you can picture her as whoever you want.

Chapter 1:

The lights shown down on my glittery shorts, making them shine even brighter.

The thumping bass ran throughout the dark club, allowing my hips to move more freely with the beat. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I was used to it. It was my job anyway.

As another man handed me a $20, I smiled and gave my signature sultry wink in his direction. Our eyes stayed in contact the entire time as my hand slowly ran up my bare stomach, and into my bra. Another group of men whistled at me to do more, so I gave them what they wished for.

After a few more tricks on the pole, I was able to head off stage.

Tiffany passed by me in her fireman's uniform, ready to make her entrance.

"Nice job out there Ry." I smiled at her. She was a newbie, and the timid look on her face only proved it.

"Thanks. Try to make big ones today."

Wrapping a towel around my neck, I took a seat in my makeup chair.

A few women who I didn't care to remember their names began to re-apply my makeup, clearly getting aggravated with me when I reached for my water. "I'm thirsty. Let me drink." I snapped at the three of them, who nodded and briskly went over to the snack bar to give me some peace.



"Rylee! My star! My peach cobbler! My sexy son-of-a-bitch!" Marcus yelled from across the dressing room. He ran towards me, and I stood, allowing him to give me a hug.

"You did absolutely," he kissed his fingers, "phenomenal today. You should be proud of yourself."

My smile gleamed at my boss. He always showed favoritism towards me after I had made the highest amount of money on stage for the past year straight. I was a legend in his eyes, and it didn't bother me a bit. "Stop, you're going to make me blush." He laughed, his blinding white teeth shown clearly from this angle.

"Rylee, someone ordered a lap dance from you specifically." Tiffany tells me as she walks back into the dressing room, her fireman's outfit gone, replaced by a sequined covered thong and crop top. "Better go do what you do best." Marcus says beaming at me, like a proud father might do towards his kid.

I pat his shoulder. "I'll do my best."

I headed out into the dark club, collecting a few whistles from men even though I wasn't on stage.

That was just one of the perks of being in this business. If you were hot, everyone made sure you knew.

I found the table number Tiffany had told me to go to, and tapped the man on his shoulder.

He turned around, making my stomach twist in a knot.

"Yes, can I help you?"

His voice was strung with a British accent. It was deep, but kind and welcoming at the same time.

His face, even under the dimly-lit room, was stunning. From his perfectly chiseled jaw to his hazel eyes, the man had no flaws. His leather jacket gave him a more masculine look about him, his beard and mustache only accentuating the look.

I cleared my throat. There were always going to be attractive men that came into the club but as Marcus said, you just have to "ride 'em and side 'em". Which didn't really make sense at the time, but I guess it just meant that I should stay away.

"Umm, are you Jawaad Saeed?" I asked him. He smirked and glanced at a boy sitting next to him who looked a few years younger.

"No, this is Jawaad." He nudged him in the arm with his elbow, which made him glance up at me quickly, and then back down at his sliders which were barely touched.

"Cousin Jawaad here wants a lap dance from this pretty girl don't you?" The older boy asked him. "Uh, yeah. If you..don't umm, mind." Jawaad stammered.

I smirked. This should be easier than I thought.

"No, I don't mind at all. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy." I kneeled down in front of him, feeling the other boys' gorgeous eyes on me.

If he didn't stop, it was going to be a lot harder than I thought.


On my way back home, I began to think over everything that happened.

He had watched me the entire time I was giving his cousin a lap dance.

Normally I wouldn't think much of it. Guys loved to watch girls grind on people they knew. It's that weird type of sexual rush that they get attracted to which pulls them in to watch. If done correctly, I could pull more money out of the men watching them the one I was actually giving the lap dance too.

But he was different. He watched me with curious eyes as I twirled and humped his cousin.

He was silent, not speechless. His lips staying put around the rim of his glass.

I had never seen a man able to drink so much scotch in one night without so much as a lazy grin from their usually drunken state.

After I was finished, Jawaad handed me two $200 bills, telling me to keep it all. I was shocked. No one ever gave you that much cash just from one lap dance. You'd practically have to take off all of your clothes for that kind of money. Which obviously, isn't allowed.

"I can't take all of this." I said simply.

"Please take it. It's the least you can do given my..." He waved his hand around the area where his jeans had come together to form a large bulge between his legs.

I chewed on my bottom lip, so as not to embarrass the poor kid.

"Well then thankyou." As I began to walk away from their table, his cousin gently grabbed me by my arm.


I spun around, trying to keep it together as much as I could.

"I never got to introduce myself. I'm Zayn." He stuck his hand out, a thoughtful gesture that I was not accustomed to at a club, but I accepted it anyway.


Zayn smiled. "I hope to see you again Rylee." I nodded curtly and continued on backstage to clock out.

Tiffany had asked me what had happened out there, and I just told her that I was a little off my game. Which was true. Truth be told, he had made me off my game. Staring at me like that. It was weird. And I hated the fact that he thought that I would be available to him another time.

Ha. Over my dead body.

He was slowly tearing down the ego that I had worked so hard for, but it wasn't going to last long. I was still on top, and there was no way that he was going to take that away from me.

When I got home, I grabbed a protein shake from my fridge since Marcus suggested them for me, and checked my voice messages.

One was from Melanie, my best friend, saying that she needed somebody to talk too soon. I made a mental note to call her back later. It was 2 in the morning so she probably wouldn't be up right now anyway.

After pulling on a warm sweatshirt and my favorite shorts, I threw my exhausted body onto my bed for a nice long rest.

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