Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

"We are all searching for someone who's demons play well with ours"- Unknown

I hand the wad of cash to the lady behind the counter and wait patiently as she bags the bottle of wine.

Knowing this was a family dinner I was unknowingly invited to, I needed some type of house-warming gift to break the ice.

This whole experience with Zayn's family has been anything but normal, and yet, I still felt like I held a responsibility to make myself feel more in control of it.

I thank the woman and make sure to add a kind smile as I take the bag from her hands.

As I make my way out the door, I notice the same shade of light blue hues from Ashley's bright eyes as she stands patiently at the doorway waiting for what I assume to be, me.

"Rylee, wait." She calls as I continue walking out the door into the chilly December air. I wasn't about to talk to her. Even if we were the last two people on earth, I wouldn't go near her. "I just want to talk."

"Why the hell would I talk to you?" I ask, pushing my blonde hair out of my face as the wind begins to pick up. "You sabotaged my relationship with Zayn, tried to destroy my career at Teasers, and most importantly, my trust in people. And if you think that after all of that we're just supposed to put everything in the past and become friends, you are sadly mistaken."

"That first day. The first day we met, do you remember it?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with-"

"Let me speak. Please." She adds when she notices my tense glare in her direction. "That day was the day I realized how good you were at what you did. How good you still are. Marcus loved you because the people loved you, and everyone knew it. Don't blame me for trying to shine a light on someone else for once."

"So what? You're saying this is my fault? Look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression or something, but I wasn't stealing anyone's light." I respond, scoffing at the fact that she could even assume that. "I was just doing my job. So sue me if people enjoyed my work."

Ashley covers herself further with her navy trench coat and purses her lips.

"Well, I'm sorry. Okay? There, I said it. I'm sorry..for everything."

We both stand still in the middle of the parking lot, allowing the wind to blow harder around the two of us.

"You should come back to Teasers." She mumbles almost inaudibly as she tucks a strand of her long brown hair further into her hat.

"What? No, definitely not."

"Why not? Like I said, you're the best. Remind us of that." Her blue eyes look hopeful, and almost...sincere? I don't know. It's hard to tell with her now that I know how easy it is for her to lie.

"I have a job already."

"So? Quit. You've become accustomed to that." She half laughs, but I don't give her the satisfaction of responding.

"Too soon?" She asks as her face quickly switches to a frown.

"A little." I reply but a small smile creeps up my face anyways.

A text from Zayn asking where I am suddenly pulls me out of my thoughts. He added a cute little emoji of a clock and a bored face and I can't help but laugh at it.

"What's got you so giggly?" Ashley teases.

"Nothing. Look, I've gotta go." I respond quickly, walking towards my car.

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