Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Zayn's POV.

It's been a week and all that I've done is sit on my ass. Well, that's not entirely true. I grabbed a 6-pack of beer and walked my drunk ass to the graffiti room.

I had thought that I would end up painting about how angry I was, and shit of that nature, but the picture ended up being of two people holding hands. I step back, wiping my forehead to relieve myself of the sweat that had accumulated there.

"Wow Malik, you've really out-gayed yourself." Jess smirks, walking into the room with Drew at her side.

"Fuck off Jess." I mutter. She had crashed at my house all week, and I hadn't really had the motivation to kick her out. If it wasn't my place, she was staying at Drew's. I don't even know for sure if the chick even has her own place.

"Is that supposed to be you and Rylee?" Drew asks me, wrapping his arm more tightly around his girlfriend. The two of them make me sick. Drew used to be so relaxed and couldn't care less what anyone thought of him. I mean, he still is like that, but at least he didn't let himself be wrapped around some girl's finger.

"No. Christ, not everything is about her."

"Dude, you've been sitting on the couch for the past week staring at the tv and the most you've eaten is a half-slice of pizza. Either somebody died, or it's about her."

Jess laughs at his clever pun, making me only want to kick their asses out of here sooner than before. But what was the point? It wasn't going to make Rylee come back any sooner.

Okay, so maybe the prick had a point.

Drew whispers something in her ear, and she kissed the corner of his mouth before vacating from the room. He makes sure to slap her ass right before she is fully able to leave, earning a giggle from Jess, and a disgusted groan from me.

"Alright." He says, turning to me once he was sure that Jess had left the room. "What's going on?"

Rylee's POV.

"Can you give us a ride?"

"What's that?" The New York taxi driver asks, turning in the drivers seat and staring at us. Then a smile came to his cheerful, rubicund face.

"Of course, hop in."

"The perks of being pretty..." Ashley whispers to me as we both jump in the back seat of the taxi. I relax; laying my head against the cool glass window. We didn't even live in the city, and the lights were still ridiculously bright. They never really bothered me before, but I guess after a full week of nothing but a view of the club or my bed it's changed for me.

But I was okay with that. I didn't need the public interaction that I would get from the outside world. They wouldn't make me feel safe. No one would. No one except...

"Rylee, don't fall asleep on me already. I got you out of the house for a reason, and I'm not about to drag you out of the taxi too." She joked. But a slight part of her statement was true. I've been nothing but a bum all week. And maybe I needed a night out to stop plastering fake smiles for other people. Maybe I needed it for me.

"Sorry. Where are we going?"

Ashley's blue eyes are bright and energetic even though she's been up since 7 this morning trying to get me out of the apartment.

"A Halloween party."

"Ashley, Halloween is three weeks away."

"So? It doesn't mean that it won't be fun!" She's way to hyper for me at the moment. It's like she took over Melanie's body and stole her personality when she took a first-class ticket out of my life.

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