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"Good evening beautiful"

"Ha-ha, you haven't seen me yet."

"But I think you're beautiful."

"Um, thanks. So, what's up?"

"I kinda missed you."

"Woah, we just talked earlier."

"It's true, I missed talking to you. School was boring. I wish I could talk to you at school."

"Same here."

"Did you know that we go to the same school?"

"Really? Marckus High?"


"I hate you, dork, you didn't even tell me!"

"You didn't ask."

"We could've met before! Or maybe we've seen each other or bumped you."

"I hope so. But are you ready to see me someday?"

"Um, I don't know. It's scary."

"Why would you be scared? I don't bite."

"I'm not really used to seeing someone I've never met before."

"But I'm excited."

"If we see each other you'll have to treat me ice cream."

"Hahaha! Okay fine. If we see each other you'll have to hug me."

"Um, okay."

"Deal. So, how's the best friend?"

"I've decided. I wanna talk to her soon. Fix our friendship. I don't wanna lose her."

"That's my girl."


"I mean, that's a good girl."

"Okay, um I have to go. Mom and I are going out for dinner."

"Oh, alright. Take care."

"Bye Kaden."

"Bye Effie"

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