Chapter 4: Rush

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Abby woke up and instantly knew there was something important that she had forgotten. Ethan. It was only 7am but she didn't care. She called him but he didn't answer. She left a message.
"Ethan you need to come to Toronto. I don't have anytime for explaining. Just come. Trust me on this one. Please"
That whole Monday at school she worried about him. She waited for her phone to ring. She checked it every 5 minutes. Nothing. She wasn't paying attention to anything any of her teachers were saying. She wouldn't have been able to focus not knowing how Ethan was. She didn't want him to die. Even get hurt. She knew Grayson's pattern and she knew things needed to happen quickly. It was 3:10, 20 minutes before school ended when she got paged to the office. She grabbed bar backpack and her pencil and sprinted faster than she has ever ran in her whole life. She burst open the office door and the secretary told her she had a pickup waiting outside. She looked through the window and there he was. Ethan Dolan. Leaning against his black convertible. Flipping his phone through his fingers. She ran outside, opened the doors and paused. She instantly dropped and started crying. Ethan came up to her and gave her the biggest hug ever. He was warm. He smelt good. He was wonderful. She missed having him in her life everyday. Let alone every hour. They talked on the way home and when they got to her house they went upstairs and laid on her bed.
"You have some explaining to do." said Ethan in a serious voice.
" Ethan, all those people who have gone missing recently, have been my ex boyfriends. Ethan you were next in line. Grayson was going to kill you."
Ethan's  jaw dropped. He was in complete shock from what he just heard. If Grayson found out he knew this he would kill Ethan instantly. They laid there with Ethan's arm around Abby's shoulder. They tried to figure out why Grayson would do this. What did he have against anyone Abby had loved before. Then it came to them. He was in love with Abbey.
"Why didn't we realize this a long time ago?" Ethan asked.
"I'm not sure. we should've got the hints." she replied.
"I can't go back." Ethan said. He started to cry.
"Don't worry babe. I will protect you. I promise." Abby and him cuddled for hours. They fell asleep.

Abby woke up in the middle of the night to the creak of her front door opening. She was still half asleep but she tapped Ethan's shoulder.
"What?" he whispered.
They heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Abby cried but she had promised she would protect Ethan so she got up ran to her bathroom and grabbed a curling iron. Ethan pretended to go back to sleep while Abby hid behind the door. The door opened. In came Shea. She started laughing historically when she saw Abby hiding behind the door with the curling iron in her hand.
"I saw the convertible outside your house and i wanted to make sure you were ok!" said Shea as she was still laughing. "But it looks like you two are having some fun so I'll just let you guys do your thing! Goodnight. I'm sleeping on your couch."
Ethan and Abby sighed in relief. Abby's heart stopped beating. She was back in Ethan's arms. And it felt good.

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