Chapter Sixteen: Leaving Again

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"Have a great first day." I smiled at my brother as he left for school

He kissed my cheek "Hopefully I will."

The apartment was quiet after Dalton left for school. All except for when someone knocked on my door.

"Sorry to drop by so early." James voice said softly as he walked into the kitchen where I was sitting at the table drinking coffee

"No it's fine, it's not like I wasn't already up." I smiled when he kissed me

He across from me a smile on his face that mimicked mine "How'd yesterday go with Dave?" he asked

Guilt ached in my chest at the fact I got butterflies when we touched but I put those feelings aside "Good, I think I won your brother over."

"He couldn't shut up about you yesterday and your love for cats." he laughed throwing his head back the exact same way as his brother "I think Dave has a little crush on you."

I laughed nervously getting up and putting my cup in the sink. I felt arms snake their way around my waist "He's nice, reminds me of you kinda."

"Well I'm the better looking brother obviously." he joked resting his chin on my shoulder "Are you busy Friday?"

"Your brother invited me to a party. But we could always reschedule." I shrugged turning around wrapping my arms around his neck "What'd you have in mind for Friday?"

"You've got plans with Dave, go for them it's great two of my favorite people in the world are getting along." he said flashing me his famous smile

Shaking my head I laid my head against his chest "Maybe you could come with us?"

"I've got a charity thing to go to Friday. Maybe next time?" he offered

"Next time sounds good."

Pretty much until Dalton got home, James and I watched TV, talked just relaxed.

"I'm home." Dalton smiled at me "And I've accomplished making friends."

"That's great Dalton." I said hugging him "Any girls?"

He blushed setting his bag down, James came to his rescue "Come on Caroline, give the boy a break. If there is a girl he'll tell us."

"Okay,okay I guess I can live with that." I sighed

"Well I'm off to an interview." James said holding into my hand as I walked him to the door.

"Play nice, be polite and smile a lot because I love your smile." I said

He nodded his head "Of course darling. I'll call you later." he kissed me

Pursing my lips I smiled at him as I watched his walk down the steps leaving me. For some reason I had an empty feeling whenever he left my side.

"Ooh he's cute." A girl said smiling at me "Wow sorry how rude of me, I'm Shay your neighbor. Seth told me you moved in."

Shaking her hand I smiled back "I'm Caroline. It's nice to know I have a neighbor my age and not like fifty." I smiled

She laughed it almost sounded melodic "You are as funny as Seth described. I'd love to get to know my new neighbor, how does dinner sound tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Good, we can go to my favorite restaurant tomorrow. I'll just stop by around six-ish." she said walked across the hall to her apartment door, she turned her head slightly her blonde hair flipping "It was lovely meeting you."

"You as well Shay." I nodded at her before going inside my apartment

Dalton stood there almost drooling "I wanna marry her." he blurted out "What her name,age and does she like Vampire Diaries?"

Scrunching my eyebrows together I looked at him weirdly "I just met the girl! Her name is Shay and I'm having dinner with her tomorrow."

"That's fine because I've got plans with Brett and Jacob anyways." he shrugged falling on the couch

"And do I get to meet these boys?" I questioned setting my hands on my hips

He nodded "Yeah, they should be here in like ten minutes anyways." he said right when there was a knock at the door "Or now."

Going out into the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of green tea opening it and taking a sip. Three sets of feet could be heard making there way into the kitchen.

I grinned at the two boys in front of me "Hi, I'm Caroline, Dalton's sister." I held my hand out which both shook

"Brett." Said the first one staring at me

"I'm,um, I'm Jacob. Yeah I'm Jacob." the other boy stuttered out

"It's wonderful to meet you guys. Be back by nine." I said narrowing my eyes at Dalton

His hand collided with his forehead clearly embarrassed "I will Care." he mumbled

My phone buzzed on the side table and Clara's name showed up along with our picture "Hello Clara." I answered

"I miss you! Just so you know those tickets to see Maroon 5 I took Lottie." Clara's perky voice said

"I bet it was awesome to see Adam Levine." I grinned leaning back on my couch "Come visit me I'm dying over here being around men."

She laughed "How many guys are you around?"

"Well there's James then his brother Dave who's a younger, Jonah, Seth sometimes Jay." I listed their names "You and Dave would be so cute together."

"Honey, no we don't set friends up remember? Anyways I've got to go Layla needs me. Call you later lovey." she said

I smiled at my best friends weird names for me "Bye Clara bear." I laughed as she groaned then hung up

"Clara bear? Why don't I get a cute name like that?" James said from my doorway.

I screamed and set a hand on my chest "What the hell! You can't just scare people like that."

He laughed making his way over to me "I'm sorry it was just to irresistible." he said wrapping his arms around my waist

As soon as I looked into his brown eyes I practically melted "I forgive you I suppose."

James rested his forehead against mine with a smirk on his lips "Good to know I'm forgiven."

Our lips connected almost instantly, as cliché as it sounds sparks would fly every time we kissed, I never wanted to lose this feeling I had with him.

"Your phone is obnoxious." I laughed against his lips as James' phone kept ringing, I parted from him and sat on couch as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry to just show up and leave. I've got a plane to catch tonight." James said coming back into the living room

I nodded my head "Call me tomorrow then."

He pressed a small kiss to my lips before leaving me alone in the apartment. I turned the tv on falling asleep watching an episode of Pretty Little Liars.

"Are you alive?" Dalton's voice asked poking me

Opening my eyes I stretched siting up "What time is it?" I asked yawning

"Midnight, and I might have jut gotten home." he mumbled

I ran a hand through my hair "Dalton I told you be home by nine! Why didn't you listen?"

"I'm sorry, ground me if you'd like." he shrugged

"No I'm sorry um, just be home when I tell you from now on okay?" my voice was now softer

He nodded his head "I promise, goodnight Care." he kissed my head

Going into my bedroom I changed into a pair of plaid pj pants and a black tanktop. Climbing into bed I pulled the covers over me before falling asleep.

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