Chapter Thirty; It Takes Two

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Song(s); It Takes Two: Katy Perry


"I guess I'll just give you the short version." Caroline sighed "Andrew he beat me a lot, mostly when he was drunk and he stole something from me."

"What'd he steal?" James asked confused

Caroline paused breathing a few times so she wouldn't cry "He stole what I was going to save for the man I wanted to spend my life with."

James shifted unsure of how to reply "I." He started but didn't finish

"You don't have to say anything. It happens a lot around the world. I'm not a victim James, don't treat me like one." She explained

"But, Caroline he forced you to have sex with him. He stole your virginity how's that not a big deal?" He asked

"It happened to often I just went numb through it all." She shrugged

James was outraged that the man who harmed Caroline in to many ways to count was welcomed by her father with open arms. Hadn't he known what Andrew did to Caroline? Didn't he care at all?

"Does anyone else know?" He asked finally finding his voice

Caroline nodded "My brother, sister, Clara and now you. It doesn't matter anymore it was by the grace of god I've come this far and even decided to continue on."

"Why didn't you tell anyone else?" He asked

"I knew no one would believe me. And I just thought no one would like me after it all." She confessed "If you asked Andrew he'd lie and say none of it ever happened. But, like they say there's two sides to every story."

James held tightly to Caroline "Listen to me, I wouldn't ever do anything to harm you Care."

"I know you won't." she smiled wiped a tear about to fall from her eye "I used to be so angry all the time after it all happened. Then I realized pointing fingers does no good."

"Are you going to forgive him?" he asked

"It's part of growing up James. Forgive but never forget though I wished I could." she moved a piece of hair out of her face "Thank you." she said after a silent minute

James raised a brow "For what?" he asked

"For listening to me and making me wake up and realize I am capable of being loved." she replied

"You will always be capable of being loved Caroline." James said pecking Caroline cheek "Since we aren't keeping secrets anymore I need to tell you some stuff about my past."

The blonde girl nodded "Alright what are they?" she asked

"I slept with a lot of girls. Some I just picked up from the club, others were friends or costars." he said in an ashamed way "There was an emptiness I felt that's why I slept with them. That was until I met you."

Caroline smiled at him "You were kinda a man whore."

James laughed "I guess I was. But I'm a changed man since I met you."

"You are a changed man." she agreed "For the better of course." she said through a yawn

"Go to sleep Care you're tired." he softly said stroking her hair and in a few minutes she was fast asleep.

James slipped out of bed to call Seth. After a few rings he finally answered "It's four in the morning this better be good." he grumbled

"It is good! I'm going to propose to Caroline soon." James happily spoke from the other end

"Are you being serious?" he asked sounding more awake

"No I called just to lie to you. Yes I'm serious I'm just not sure how or when I should do it." James replied "I'll let you get back to sleeping."

James never felt this nervous before except when he went on set for a new film. This nervous feeling meant he was doing an excellent thing that millions would love. Sure there might be critics but that's to be expected. He silently slipped back into bed with a smile on his face and holding the love of his life in his arms.


Caroline woke up the next morning replaying last nights events in her mind. She agreed to get back together with James under the condition they told the truth about things from now on. It wasn't to bad of a deal she thought.

"James?" Caroline yelled walking down the stairs into the kitchen where James was hunched over scribbling words onto paper "Still working on your book I see." she smiled

"It's almost done. I just need one more chapter to finish. It's the last chapter to." he said looking up at her with tired eyes

The blonde took a seat next to him "Maybe I could help" she offered

"You're already helping Caroline. The last chapter will be finished soon I swear and it will all be because you." he replied smiling as if he knew something she didn't

"You're so weird." she said getting up to get some coffee "But I guess that's why I love you."

James set his chin in his hand staring at the girl he hoped would say yes to marrying him soon. He could honesty picture it, them living in this house together. Starting a family who he prayed had Caroline's beautiful blue eyes and curly hair. James never felt this way about any girl, that's how he knew she was the one.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Caroline asked leaning against the counter "Its kinda creepy."

"Sorry just thinking." he replied taking his coffee cup to the sink and have Caroline a quick kiss "I love you Caroline." he said looking into her blue orbs

A soft smile crossed her lips "I love you too James."

"I sure hope you mean it." he said

"I do, I really do love you." she nodded

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