❁Catch me❁

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Finns pov (only time it's gonna be Finns pov)

My mind was clouded with thoughts of Millie. I was regretting my decision, I loved her why wasn't I going with her?

No. I can't.

My mom needs me, no nobody needs - no body but Millie.

It was too late thought right? She left at least 45 minutes ago I would never find her.

Shut up and go.


I argued with myself the whole way to school and I couldn't decide which part of me was right.

I walked into registration robotically. Everything around me seemed fuzzy. Everyone's voices were muffled around me.

I shook my head to try and clear my eyes but darkness started closing in and then everything went black.

I woke up, I was lying down. A bright light was shining over my head, I raised my hand to shield my eyes. My head was pounding and I was dizzy but I could see again.

I sat up and swung my legs around so I was sitting on the bed. I was in the nurses office still at school.

The nurse, pushed her glasses onto her forehead and smiled.

'How are you feeling, Finn?'


'You're just concussed Finn, lay back down its fine' she was gentle with me.

'No I have to go, Millie find' I stumbled out of the door clinging the walls to steady myself.

I ignored her shouts as I gained my balance. I got outside and the fresh air filled my lungs, my head cleared. I started to run. Faster than I knew I could. Away from people trying to stop me from getting to Millie.

I rsn the whole way to my house which would've usually taken me 30 minutes but today i got there in just under 15.

I ran inside throwing a few pairs of jeans and a few jumpers in a bag.

I ran down the stairs grabbing the keys for my van from the side and heading straight back out the door.

I had no clue where millie would be but i just drove, i drove in the opposite direction of Millie's house,of my house, of our lives.



The sun was setting, it would be getting dark soon. I had no where to sleep for the night and i had little money. My only plan was to carry on walking all through the night until morning and then id sort somewhere to stay the next night.

Until now i felt to numb to cry but i started to think, my mom would be home from work now along with my dad and Ava. Did they know i was missing or did they just think i was out? Were the worried? Finn would be finished with school, he must be thinking about me if he ally loves me right?

The tears came slowly at first but then they started to stream down my face, i chocked on my sobs as they shook my whole body. I couldn't walk straight as i could no longer see. I positioned myself on a tree by the side of the road and took a breath. It was okay.

A pair of head lights shone from about a mile a down the road, as they got closer the light got brighter in my eyes. I automatically raised my hand to my eyes to shield them.

I carried on walking down the now dark road, thankful for the brief light of the car but the car started to slow down.

My heart started to race. It was dark, i had no cell phone, no idea where i was, there was nowhere else to go.

I was vulnerable, a young girl walking alone at night. Anything could happen.

The car pulled up right in front of me blocking my way. I had no where to run, not that i could i was frozen in fear.

The cars engine cut off and the headlights faded out.

This is it.

Someone stared out at me from the drivers seat and sat there smiling weekly


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