Chapter 1: Before the Chaos

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Mai's POV

I sat there wandering around this Victorian home. It was like a mansion or a palace of some kind. It was beautiful but also sinister when it wanted to be.

The history of this place for what I know of so far was that these satanic cults use to run through the family who owned this home. An organization that made my skin crawl when just hearing it.

It's hard to believe a family so cruel made a home this beautiful..


*Flashback: Meeting in the Living room*

"So, could you give us some history about this place? Even the most little of it would be helpful" Naru asked in his usual cold tone.

The old woman and her husband sat on the couch, huddled together. 
I walked up to them, reassuring them that it's going to be okay and for them to take the time they need to let us know anything.

"Well you see, my family has always been on the more darker side of things but I was never apart of it. I couldn't bare doing the things they done" the old woman who goes by the name Klara had said. 

"What did your family do exactly?" John asked, tilting his head.

"Murder; sacrifice.. They would always either find kittens, puppies.. but uh.. most importantly children. Anything young, really. It was a terrifying time when I was growing up. I would uh.. uhm.. I'd sit up in my bedroom, blocking my door and sneak out while they did their rituals"

"What were the rituals for?" Naru asked.

"To gain power; youth. To show their dominance in this village, but I do not remember the full reason" she mumbled.

"So you think the spirits of the children they used are haunting you?" Lin questioned. 

The old couple nodded. The man's name was Alex and he could not speak. His wife said he lost his tongue when he was little which crept me out.

"I also believe it's my dead family and ancestors. Trying to take me down with them since I betrayed their ways and took them in. They were burned on a cross, in front of everybody. Luckily they let me be free and that's when I met Alex. His family took me in, trying to help me recover".

I felt like I wanted to puke and cry. Nausea swept over me so I had to excuse myself.

I examined the hallway as I sat on the floor. So long and dark but it felt comforting.

*Back in present time*

I sighed. "Why do I always have to go alone when setting up equipment? It always ends up with something bad happening" 

Eventually I got them done. But I had no idea where I was. I wandered around the dark hallways, going up and down stairs to the point where my body was soon beginning to grow tired.


Laughter and crying. My eyes widened. I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could let me. Slamming against walls, the lights shaking with each step I took. I felt something cold push me, bad timing as well. I screamed, falling down stairs. My entire body went numb for a split second then my body went in chills.

"You don't belong here!" a voice whispered into my ear.


"NARU!!" I screamed, but that scream was short lived for where my body then went out cold.


Narrator's POV

"Mai! Damn it, what happened?!- I got you, don't worry.."

Naru carefully picked up Mai then followed Monk back to base. 

As Naru placed Mai down onto the couch, he sat there for a moment thinking.

"We're working with some not so friendly spirits today, huh?" Monk said as he placed his hands on his hips.

Ayako rushed over with the med kit. She thoroughly examined Mai, making sure she didn't break anything.

Ayako ended up placing some ice on her back for where it was deeply bruised.
"Naru, how many times have I told you to not have Mai go out on her own? You now how prone she is to get into these situations!" Ayako shouted as she got up.

He didn't answer. 

"The silent treatment again?" Ayako crossed her arms across her chest.
"It's been like what, 2 years now and finally you call us to come to a case and this is how things need to start?!"

"Uh.. Ayako, I think that's enough! Don't get Mr. Shibuya upset" John hesitantly said. 

"It was my fault" said a voice.

"Mai!" Monk knelt down, "You feeling okay? And what do you mean it's your fault?" 

"I should've been smart and asked for someone to come but I didn't. IF I did, then Naru wouldn't have to be getting yelled at for no reason and well I wouldn't be hurt" Mai explained softly.

"Well it should have been Naru's job to already have someone go with yo-"

"Enough!" Mai shouted, anger filled her voice. Monk stopped what he was saying and looked at the girl in shock.

She coughed.

"Just stop" she got up and turned to face them, the feeling of her body in agony.


Mai's POV

Everyone was now looking at me, I felt uncomfortable.

"Well I'm surprise you didn't break anything when you were pushed down the stairs" John said with relief.

"Miracle, huh?" I replied with a hesitant laugh.

"Naru!" Lin called out.

The boy turned, running towards the monitors. "What is it?" He asked.
"Look" Lin pointed the the middle monitor which was showing the cellar.

"Mai" Naru said. "When you placed the equipment down here, did you feel anything strange?"

I shook my head. "Though that was the last place I had gone to. After I left that's when all the strange stuff started to happen, why?"

Naru pointed his finger at me, signaling me to come over. I looked at the monitor and there it was. A dark silhouette standing in the dim light of the room. It seemed to be child, a dark shadow like aura surrounding it.

The ghostly figure noticed the camera, it's dead eyes staring right at it. Within the next 2 seconds, it's horrifying face appeared on the screen, I fell to the ground. I didn't want to, it felt like I was forced to.. Like this heavy weight was pressing down my shoulders..

I could easily see the blood pouring down it's face, the skin rotting, everything was just a mess..

Naru was drawn into the screen, his eyes never leaving it. It then vanished.. I felt cold.

Masako sat on a chair, looking all over.
"I-It's coming!" She squeaked as she jumped out of her chair.

I stumbled up, running towards her. The same loud banging that I heard before rang throughout the room but instead of laughter, it was sobbing.

"I want to go home! Help me!!"
Its scream rang through mine and Masako's ears. The lights flickered off, the monitors went black, everything was dark...

I screamed in my head, holding Masako tightly.

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