Chapter 5: Pink Little Aliens

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These days were the darkest. The group stayed in the Castle, each on their own.

Jynn practiced in the practice room with the gladiator. She was still getting used to her Bayard, the fact that it's owner may not be found.

Matt sat and read next to the green lion, thinking that if they hung out they would bond.

Coran stood in the Control room. Suddenly, a distress signal came up on his computer, which was a bit odd. "Sending a Signal your way." Coran informed the princess.

Allura pulled it up on the screen in front of it. "What do you think Coran? Should we go?"

"I think we should help. Give everyone something to do." Coran replied.

"Alright." Allura nodded. "Everyone," she said over the comms, "to the lions, we have a distress signal to go to."

Jynn ran out of the training room and ran to her tube thing. Matt ran out of the hangar to grab his outfit and ran back to green.

Vara and Carrie quickly followed from where they were in the kitchen, trying to improve the food goo. Lastly came Allura.

"Sending coordinates now." Coran informed, once everyone was in their lion.

"Thank you, Coran." Allura said, launching out of the castle in the black lion, closely followed by Blue and Yellow.

Red and Green shot out quickly as well. "Our first distress call as a team!" Matt said to the others in the comms.

Vara laughed down the comms. "Don't get too excited."

They pulled up to a small space base. "Whelp, let's save people." Jynn said, getting off first.

"Agreed." Carrie hummed, climbing out of yellow, shortly followed by Vara and Allura.

Matt came out last. "Woah." He breathed. The base looked bigger when you were on it. The tech was gorgeous.

"Close your mouth, you might catch flies." Allura chuckled at Matt before pausing. "Did I say that right?"

Jynn nodded and smiled at her before venturing forth, Matt following.

Vara and Carrie followed with Allura, looking around the base. "I don't see anyone, do you?"

"No." Matt muttered. "I can't see anyone, it's deserted." Vara stated, looking around with caution now, keeping her hand near her bayard.

"Maybe they're hiding and don't realize we're here to help?" Matt figured.

"Maybe." Allura said.
"Hello?" She called out. "We're here because of the distress beacon, we're here to help."

"I still don't like this place." Vara stated.

"We should just turn back around and keep going." Matt told the group, hand gripped furiously on his Bayard.

"No." Jynn replied. "Not till Allura says."

"Hello?" Allura called out again, keeping a hand on her own bayard. "We're not going to hurt you!"

"Guys." Matt pointed to a shadow of a figure.

Carrie gripped her own bayard when she saw them.
"Hello." Allura said again. "My name is Princess Allura, we're here to help."

The figure came from around the corner. It was a small pink creature. "Are you Voltron?" It asked.

"Yes." Allura nodded. "Are you the ones who sent the distress signal?"

Carrie and Vara has subconsciously gone back to back, still looking around themselves, bayards in hand.

"Ahhh. Yes. Follow me." The creature beckoned. Jynn and Matt looked at each other, then the rest of the group. Jynn shrugged and began walking toward the already leaving alien.

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