Chapter 11: Yellow Betrayal

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Carrie and Vara were in the training room, sparring against the gladiator. Pidge was in the kitchen, working on something on the table. Keith Cleaned Red while Jynn sat in a chair with her feet up, reading.

Allura was in the control room, having just finished a scan of the area to see if there were any Galra bases, which could have been holding any of the remaining Paladins, nearby. Suddenly string of Altean symbols popped up along a holographic screen, telling Allura of an oncoming transmission.

"Is everything alright, Princess?" Coran asked as he walked in. He looked up. "A transmission. Would you like to answer it?"

Allura was skeptical, but accepted the transmission. The holographic screen was filled with the face of a green skinned alien. "Princess Allura of Altea." The alien spoke. "We have your yellow paladin. Don't fret, he is unharmed. We're sending you some coordinates, this is our base, come and collect him." The alien took a step to the side, and Hunk entered the frame with a wide smile.

"Allura! Coran! Hi! I'm okay! Is everyone else okay?"

"Hunk! Everyone is fine." Coran replied.

"Oh thank god." He sighed, before leaning towards the screen. "Who's with you?"

"Just Keith and Pidge so far." Allura replies.

At that moment, Keith walks in and Jynn behind him. "Allura do you know where..." he looks up a The screen and nudges Jynn who's nose is it the same book.

"Hunk!" They both exclaimed and ran toward the screen.

"Hey are you ok?" Jynn asked.

Hunk grinned again. "Hey, you two! Yeah, I'm fine! I'm great! How ar- Pidge!" He exclaimed when the green Paladin walked through the door.

"Hunk!" Pidge smiled and ran up to the screen too.

"We're all fine." Keith nodded. "Do we have to go get you?"

Hunk nodded. "Uh yeah! This Galra resistance broke me out of the base during a raid, they're all pretty nice, but they don't have a ship that can get out to where you are, they were all damaged in the raid." He explained.

"We're on our way." Coran assured Hunk. "Just sit still. We'll be there before you can say 'quiznack'" Coran told Hunk.

Hunk laughed again. "Thanks guys, I can't wait to see you all."

"We've missed you Hunk." Pidge grinned up at their friend with a wide smile.

The transmission ended and The coordination sent.

"Vara, Carrie." Allura said through the ship's comms. "Get to the lions, we've found Hunk."

Matt walked in. "Wait really?" He asked. Jynn nodded as Keith ran to Red. "GOOD FOOD." Matt Smiled.

Jynn rolled her eyes and pushed past him, getting to her own small craft.

Vara and Carrie jogged to their lions, in full Paladin armour. Vara turned her head to look at Carrie, who had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire way to the lions and saw she had a strange look on her face.

"Go, Princess. Matt and I will take the castle." Coran told Allura. Matt nodded and took the space Coran would typically have.

Allura nodded, and hurried to the black lion. In a matter of minutes, they were all ready. "Let's go get Hunk." Allura stated, taking off in the lion.

Keith took off, Jynn right after him. She flew in front of the lions like a Mascot before a float in a parade.

"Here are the coordinates." Allura shared the information between the lions.

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