Chapter 8: The Tall Blue People

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Allura sighed in frustration and punched the bridge of her nose, placing her other hand on her hip.
"It's official Coran, the tracker of broken." She told him, turning towards him with a look of annoyance on her face

"I'm sure I can try to repair it, Princess." Coran assured. "Right now, you should take a break. I believe the others are lounging around the couches. You should join them."

Allura let out a small yell of frustration as another notification about the broke tracker appeared on the screen before letting out a long breath. "You know what Coran, I will, I need a break. And so do you!"

"I'll be perfectly fine. Now go along." Coran walked up to the panel and took off a part of it.

"Thank you, Coran." She nodded, "if you need any help, I'm sure Hunk wouldn't mind helping, he's still fascinated by all the tech."
With that, Allura pushed her hair out of her face and left the room, heading towards the kitchen in search of a snack

Coran sighed, he didn't have the heart to remind Allura that Hunk wasn't in the castle.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jynn cautiously ate something she couldn't identify as anything else but food. Matt sat next to her, eyebrow raised, not believing she was actually going to eat it. He looked up. "Hello Princess." Matt greeted. "How's the tracker going?"

"It's broken." She stated matter of factly as she sat down opposition it's then. "Coran should have it fixed, especially if H-" She froze as she realised what she had said before and sighed heavily, dropping her head into her hands.

Matt looked away awkwardly, and Jynn put down the fork, standing up and walking over to the princess. Both knew who she was going to mention, and right now, saying any of their names was like profound cursing. "Do you want something to eat, Allura?" Jynn asked, comfortingly placing a hand on Allura's shoulder.

She nodded into her hands, not wanting to look up incase she began to cry.

Carrie then chose to walk in. She looked at Allura, and a sympathetic look crossed her face when she took in her exhausted form. Usually the princess was so strong, even with the circumstances, but it appeared it was taking it's toll heavily on her. She left the room, returning a few moments later with a large blanket. Carrie walked up to Allura and placed the blanket over her shoulders, sitting next to her comfortingly. That got Allura to lift her head, and look at the other girl. She gave Carrie a weak but thankful smile and pulled the blanket further around herself.

Jynn walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some food. She, tried very hard to prepare something good, but only poorly made it into something edible and served it to Allura unwilling. "If it's not good you can tell me. I'm not exactly Gordon Ramsey when it comes to alien food." She told the princess.

"That's the..." Allura tried to recall the name, certain one of the Paladins had explained it to her before. "That's 'the lamb sauce' man, isn't it?"

Jynn nodded with a slight smile.

"Ugh, I miss Kitchen Nightmares." Matt commented. "It's been no long since it was the last thing I watched before going on the Kerberos mission." He explained

"Kitchen Nightmares?" Carrie asked him, partially concerned and partially intrigued at the show

"It was a show where 'the lamb sauce guy' would go to different restaurants and fix them up, make it so that people wanted to eat there." Matt explained.

"It was a really good show." Jynn commented.

"That sounds interesting." Carrie chuckled at them.

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