Chapter 2

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It was 7:50 pm so I had 10 minutes before Casey and her mum arrived. I couldn't believe that the day she leaves me is here, her and her mum have been like my second home and I don't know what I will do without her constantly by my side.

She would always stick up for me, when a bunch of stuck up idiots made fun of me one day last year Casey got her self suspended from college for 2 weeks for punching them in the face for calling me names that I have been receiving my whole life.

I usually get called several hurtful things that I have learnt to deal with over the years, such as loner child as my parents were never there for me, ugly brat which hurt more than the rest and the one that stuck with me and will always cause me pain was nerd or freak. Now I know that a lot of people hearing this will think why the heck would that bother you but it's the simple fact that I work by butt off to get the grades I needed and again I know that the stereotypical idea of a nerd was someone who did all of their work and was a freak at our school for doing so but the fact that they never called me by my name and it was always nerd or freak. Well let's just say that hurt me more than I thought it would and of course everyone knew this so saw it as an opportunity to gain more popularity by making me feel so small and that's why I hate those names.

So when those girls called me it and Casey was right there she punched them causing in her immediate suspension and those girls walking around with bruised noses for months on end. The plus side was that after then they never picked on me again but it didn't cause everyone else to stop, they just carried on making my college life hell.

So that's why I am distraught over the fact Casey is going, not just because she is practically family but she is the only one that has ever stood by me and I will always love her for that.

Whilst deep in thought the doorbell rang which only meant that Casey and her mum had arrived.

"Aria come downstairs! Now!" I heard my mum shout from the hallway

"Yes mum! I've just finished getting ready."

I quickly put on my usual black jeans and I decided on my floral pink top with a white cardigan. My hair was in a side fishtail braid (I hope that's what you call it and spell it) as my hair was down to the length of my chest so worked well, once done I added some mascara and lip balm before leaving my room.

I hastily made my downstairs and greeted Casey with a long hug as I knew I wouldn't be seeing her for ages after this.

"Aria, I love you and all but if you don't let go or at least loosen your hold on this hug then I will pass out very soon" she struggled to say, I then realised how tightly I was hanging onto her and quickly let go giving her an apologised smile which she just laughed off.

"Listen, I know that I'm leaving soon and believe me I will miss you so much but let's not ruin the 4 hours that I have left here with us sulking around, yeah?" Casey said trying to lighten the mood which I greatly appreciated.

"Deal! Let's go in the dining room as I'm sure my mum has prepared something for us to eat" She simply smiled to me nodding her head slightly as we made our way into the other room.

"Aria! Oh my gosh, Casey and I will miss you so much munchkin" Casey's mum Tara told me as she held me in a hug, oh and yeah munchkin was her nickname for me sines I was smaller than Casey.

"I'm gonna miss you too Tara, but I'm really happy for you!" Which I genuinely meant, I mean this is her dream job so it was a huge deal for her.

"Thank you Arial, that means a lot but hey! You can come and visit when ever you like" I know she is only trying to make the whole thing easier on all of us by saying that but in all honesty that would never happen, at least not with my parents anyway. They wouldn't have me going half way across the world just to visit a friend no matter how much it would mean to me. Though if it was for business that would be a different story.

"Yeah, maybe one day" I have her a warming smile and thankfully the conversation had changed to something else.

"So" my mother started to say "are you looking forward to the move Casey, it must be rather exciting for both you and your mum?" wow thanks for bringing that one up mum.

"Well if I'm being honest Mrs Scott then no, I'm sure I'll get settled in but I'm going to miss Aria a lot I mean she is like my sister." I had to say she sounded like she was tearing up which I'm sure we all will be by the end of the night.

"Ahh I know you girls will miss each other at first but that's what new starts are all about! I'm sure you'll make new friends but of course you will keep in touch, right Richard" My mum asked my dad who simply grunted in response which is all we would get from him. I mean sometimes he is so social I wonder when he will stop..

"Actually Sienna, these girls have been extremely close since the day we moved in 8 years ago so I know for a fact that they will miss each other terribly as will I" Tara said to my mother, which I am thankful for however I didn't want my mums comments to spoil the night.

"Hmm, I suppose. Well they are only 17, we shall see what the future holds" I'm glad that's all she had to say.

Casey and I had expected something like that from my mum and so did Tara so we just left it alone so we couldn't ruin the night with an argument.

It was now almost 12 and Casey and Tara had to leave if they were gonna catch their flight, which wouldn't be such a bad thing for me but this was their future so I couldn't be selfish. Casey and I had an emotional goodbye and exchanging gifts to remember each other by, not that we would ever forget each other though, just because we would always have something special to remember each other by that we would always have so even if we were half way across the world, it would be a reminder of all the good times that happened.

My gift to Casey was a silver locket and with pictures of us inside in the park on my 17th birthday, on the locket had the engravings 'to my best friend Casey, love you loads! Aria'.

Her gift to me was a DVD with all of our videos of us growing up on it, pictures of 5 seconds of summer along with some of their music like 'try hard' and 'where ever you are' as we were massive fans of theirs.

We both cried for what seemed like hours but was only for a couple of minutes, I said goodbye to Tara and my parents did the same to her and Casey.

"Look after yourself munchkin" Tara said as she hugged me one last time before getting in the car.

I couldn't speak at this point due to how much crying was being done.

"Don't forget about me Case" I managed to say through the tears but I could barely even understand what if actually sounded like.

"I could never do that Ar, your like my sister and I love you! You had better not forget about me when you go off to uni." I just about heard as we were bawling our eyes out, mascara down our faced and hugging each other.

"I couldn't even if I tried" Casey had to leave at this point as she had 30 minutes to get to the airport. I watched as she got in the car and drove away, both waving as they went.

"Don't forget about me, Case." I whispered to myself, this was it. I was now all on my own and I was distraught.

My mum managed to take me to my room for me to get cleaned up from the mess that the stained make up had caused. My dad went straight to bed so my mum was left to make sure I went to sleep.

I got changed into my pjs after I had my shower and got into bed feeling awful, I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Well that's what everyone says right? I just hope that it's true because today was by far the worst day of my life.

*I know that these chapters are quite sort but as I'm on my phone I can't tell how long the chapters are, I'll make sure to add more to the rest of them though*

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