Chapter 3

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I hope this one is longer guys, I tried to add more detail so it should be :)

"Oh Aria stop being such a baby for crying out loud and pack the rest of your bags and boxes, it's not as if you had that many friends anyway so why are you making such a drama about moving! Don't be so selfish" my mum said laughing at the first half before she started to raise her voice at me as we packed away out boxes into the car.

"But I do have friends! I'm leaving them all behind!" I was now sobbing, I felt the salty tears run down my face as I took the insults from my mother.

"Oh shut up will you! No one will ever like you so be thankful that we're going you ungrateful brat!" my mother screamed at me as we drove down our road.

I woke up startled and scared of what just happened in my dream. I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably but couldn't seem to stop. Wondering what time I woken up I glanced over at my alarm clock which read 4:22 am. What made me feel even worse was that I had never experienced that bad a nightmare before I mean yeah I had the odd ones as a child but none like this, none where I woke up sweaty and in tears, shaking wondering what had just happened. I know what it meant though, when we first moved to Cambridge, that day I was distraught at the thought of leaving my friends behind (not that I had that many) and my parents convinced me that it would be best for all of us. I suppose Casey leaving bought up some of those old memories in the form of a horrid nightmare, I just hope that's the only one I get for a long time as I can't stand nightmares, the idea of not being able to control what happens in your own mind and having it as a memory that is if you remember it after you wake up.

When I finally got up after a sleepless night, my head felt like it was having a battle with my body so I got some paracetamol from my side table and took some water.

My parents are at work right now so won't be back until later on tonight and I start uni in a matter of days! I don't know whether to be ecstatic or petrified so right now I am just a bucket of nerves.

I finally managed to get up and make my way downstairs to get some toast and a cup of tea to calm me down.

After I had washed up and put everything away I went back upstairs and decided to check out Facebook and twitter which my parents say is a waste of time but it is really the only escape I have now that Casey is no longer here.

I retweeted a few items on twitter and checked up on 5 seconds of summers account as they just revealed that they are releasing a single which is so exciting, I am so proud of how far they have come! After I logged out of twitter I signed into Facebook and looked through the newsfeed which was pretty boring so again I signed out and decided to continue packing.

I packed some more clothes like my favourite jumper for when you are just at home in the afternoon and it's extremely comfy. I'm not one of those girls that are comfortable with how that look so I tend to wear jeans and baggy tops, not extremely baggy though just 1 or 2 sizes larger than me as I feel more comfortable and doesn't make me stand out which I prefer.

I decided that I would go out and get some more items for uni so grabbed my mums credit card from off the table which she always puts there incase I 'need to use it' so that is exactly what I am doing. The shoppimg centre is only a 10 minute walk so didn't bother about the bus, I walked through the streets wearing my floral pink top along with a jacket, some blue jeans and converse.

As I got here I went into new look first and searched for something comfortable to wear and stumbled across a beige cardigan so got one that was 2 sizes larger than I needed, I also found some black skinny jeans that I thought I would need so settled with those two items.

After I had purchased my clothing with my mums credit card that was actually being used for once, I decided to pop into Costa to get a latte to go I mean who doesn't like a costa and it was right round the corner so obviously couldn't say no.

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