Chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up at 8:00 as my first class was at 9:00. I could hear the telly from the other room so that means Olivia was up, I slung myself out of bed and went into bathroom across the hall that we shared, I had taken with me my body wash and shower gel that actually smelt like candy floss so it was my all time favourite and I had some tresemme shampoo and conditioner. I washed my hair after getting in the shower and then applied the shower gel and body wash, once done I stepped out and dried myself with my freshly washed towel which was so soft and comfortable.

I walked across the hall and into my room where I dried my hair into it's natural wavy look then proceeded to change and put on a mid thigh dress which wasn't too showy but just right for the weather, the dress was a lilac colour so didn't stand out and flowed so didn't stick to my body which I preferred and the neckline was just above my chest but not that low as to show off cleavage as I hated that look on me, I don't suite it and aren't as comfortable as others are with what they wear. I top it off with a black denim jacket and my trusted black converse that went with the jacket so worked well I thought. I then moved on to the makeup which was an effort to make me look decent let me tell you. I applied a light layer of foundation to my face and blended it in so it wasn't obvious, I was glad that it was my skin tone, I mean I obviously would get my skin tone colour but so many people have that orange face with a line round it so their face was an entirely different colour to their neck, this made me quite self conscious as I hoped and prayed I hadn't but no one seems to notice that I wear any and Casey never said anything so I'm guessing I have the right colour. I then applied some concealer to my dark circles to hide them, I put it on after as I find if you put it on before it wears away with the application of foundation so use it after, once done I start on the eyeliner making it go on my top lid and look neat which took 4 attempts, I decide against the flick at the end as it never goes according to plan, I then add some mascara and lip gloss and voila! I had finished.

I glanced over at my clock that was beside my bed and saw that I had 20 minutes to get to class, which was media and I couldn't wait. I don't care if I sound stupid saying that but hey! I'm excited.

I walked into the common room area, grabbed myself a cereal bar and walked off to my class.

Today was actually quite sunny so I'm glad with my outfit choice for once, I glanced down at my timetable that I had a tight grip on, due to the nerves, and took out the map from my bag that I had slung over my shoulder as I walked out of my room. The map shows that if I walk into the building on my right then it should be the first door on my left, following what it shows I made my way over to the room and on the door was labelled FIRST YEAR MEDIA so that's a promising sign.

As I go in the room there is only me and a few others scattered in seats available, I decided on sitting at the front in the corner next to the window. As I sat down I noticed that there were macs on each individual table, I have no idea how I missed them when I walked in but I always do that. Deciding against going on the mac I thought it would be best to wait for the teacher and all the students.

One by one each student sat down and someone actually chose to sit next to me.

"Hi, hun do you mind if I sit here?" a feminine yet masculine voice was heard, as I looked up I could see that it was a boy who was dressed in pink which made me smile

"Urm yeah sure, my names Aria" I introduced myself to ensure there would be no awkward situations.

"Well hi there Aria, I'm Chris it's lovely to meet you" he had the biggest smile, yep. Pretty sure we will get along.

"You too! Do you know our teacher at all as in are they nice or one of the strict ones?" In response Chris just laughed in my face but in a friendly way so I wasn't offended.

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