Chapter 9

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So tonight is my date with Sean, I have never been so nervous in my whole life! It is my first date, I have no idea how I'm suppose to act, what to talk about, what to wear, how to have my hair, I'm wondering what shoes to wear. All sorts of question were running through my head like what if I mess something up? what if he is embarrassed to be seen with me in the middle of the date? where will he be taking me? what if I dress completely differently to the thing we will be doing?

I need to calm my self down, panicking right now will not help things at all and I need every minute I can get to look decent for tonight.

Right now it was 12 and Sean was going to be here in 6 hours so I figured I would make myself useful go into town for a bit, last night I received an email that my teacher was absent so we could have an early weekend which I was more than appreciative for.

Olivia had a full day so, to her dismay, won't be able to help me get ready which in my case was bad news so I have to work twice as hard to make myself look suitable for tonight, being my first date and all. I'm glad it's with Sean though, he seems really nice and genuine, he doesn't seem like the type of person who would let you down and that's what I liked about him, I mean from the previous occasions that we had met.

Before I left to go into town though, I picked up my phone and decided to call home just to see what was going on. After about 6 rings someone picked up


"Hi, is that you mum?"

"Oh, Aria! Yes, yes it's me. Urm I'm sorry hun but this is really bad timing so do you think you could call back tonight?"

"Sorry, I'm busy tonight. I have urh well I have important plans so I guess I'll try next week at some point?"

During the call I swear I heard someone in the back, a voice not belonging to my dads but defiantly belonging to a man.

"Mum who is with you?"

"Oh er your father, yeah he is in the kitchen"

"Are you sure? Doesn't sound like him"

"W-well that is- that's because it's a-a really bad line so I'll call you later, bye"

And with that she had hung up, who was that in the room though, it sure as hell wasn't dad. Was she cheating on him? was that why she was so nervous?

I can't believe that I'm gone for not even a week and already things are falling apart back home. Instead of feeling sorry for myself though, I picked up my bag and planned to block this out of my mind, I got the shuttle into town and was told that it would be at the bus stop every 2 hours to take students back, so I had 2 hours to take my mind off of the fact that I probably interrupted my mum cheating on my dad and caught her out, or the fact that I have missed the sighs all these years. Was this the reason why dad was so quiet? Did he know about this? All these questions were running in my mind and I couldn't stop them, I needed answers and I needed them soon.


The first shop that I went into was new look and other than the odd discounted sale rack, nothing seemed to catch my attention. It was one of those days where I wanted to get things but my mind wasn't into it.

Seems as I skipped breakfast, I thought it would be wise to pop into McDonald's and get something to take-out seems as I had 1 hour and 40 minutes to wait.

I got up to the counter and ordered a simple cheese burger meal with a regular Pepsi as I find that it tastes better, I have had many arguments with my thinking over this but I will never change my mind.

As the queue was getting quite long, the man behind the till told me to take a seat and he would bring it to me when it was ready.

After saying thank you and paying for my meal, I sat in the back corner so I wouldn't be in someone's way as I hate it when you are in the middle of the food court and people are trying to get past you, which is why I opt to stay clear.

I got my phone out and go through twitter hoping that Casey would have tweeted me back, I went onto notifications and nothing. I must admit I was a little disappointed but not surprised, she has a lot going on and isn't a twitter addict like myself.

Scrolling through my homepage I heard a cough from above me, making me jump in my seat which, caused them to laugh mockingly. Somehow though, I knew who it was. The same one who I have been trying to avoid ever since I arrived but have obviously been failing miserably.

Looking up I was met with those same amazingly blue eyes but sadly for me those belonged to the jerk named Logan Green.

"Date for one huh? Could have asked me, I'd be more that willing to keep you company" his smirking at the end made my face scrunch up in disgust.

"Just having some lunch, in peace. So could you help me out with that and leave me alone, your bringing down my mood" I glared at him so he would get the message that he wasn't wanted.

"Now now, why would I do that? I'll tell you what though babe. You go out with me tonight and I'll leave you in peace" Babe, that gets me every time he says it, my stomach gets all warm and fuzzy. A feeling I have never had before.

"Thanks for the offer but I'll have to say no to you taking me out but yes to you leaving me alone, that would make me very happy indeed"

"Why, it's not like your doing anything anyway, one night Aria. Just one night" at this moment his tone was unreadable.

"Well sorry, but I do have plans as a matter of fact"

"Oh and what are these plans that you have" he started smirking again, obviously because he thinks I'm lying.

"I have a date"

"Yeah with me"

He started chuckling again, that sound could have me weak at the knees, if I liked him that was.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no someone already asked me the other day and I accepted their offer"

That wiped the smirk clean of his face, his jaw clenched and he looked different, angry?

"With who?" I could tell he was trying to be cool but it was clear he wanted to kick off, as to why I do not know.

"That's non of your concern Logan"

"I don't care. Just bloody tell me, do I know them?"

"Yes you do"

His hands were now forming into fists and I was getting a little confused as to why.

"Sean, ok"

"Sean? Sean who" he spat his name like it was poison

"I don't know his last name, he was in the coffee shop the other day when you showed up"

"Sean Vice?" he sounded more shocked than I would have liked, why was it a bad thing that I was going out with him.

"Aria, your not gonna out with Sean! I won't let you!" he screamed at me, making my anger rise to the point I couldn't look nor listen to him anymore.

"Just get lost, ok Logan. It's non of your business so just give up and leave me alone!"

As I stormed past him before he could get another word in, the man with my order came up to me handing my meal which I thanked him for, I then went to wait for the shuttle which would arrive in an hour.


Logan's pov

I can't believe that that had just happened, why would he ask her out? What was he planning, I won't let her get hurt because of him. I know what he is like so if I have to follow them I will, so help me if Aria gets hurt in any way tonight Sean will wish he had never been born.

Sorry it's a short chapter, been really busy with college but hopefully I will update again tomorrow.

Sophie :) xx

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